16 reasons why Health Benefits of Green Tea is so Famous!

16 reasons why Health Benefits of Green Tea is so Famous!

The main benefit of green tea is to help in the process of weight loss because it contains caffeine, catechins and polyphenols that help accelerate metabolism, causing the body to spend more energy, facilitate digestion, regulate the intestine and fight fluid retention. 
16 reasons why Health Benefits of Green Tea is so Famous!
In addition to this, the green tea that can be obtained in soluble powder, sachets or in capsules are rich in antioxidants, providing other benefits to the organism such as: 

1. Reduces the risk of suffering from cancer
Many studies have suggested that the properties of green tea help to considerably lower the chances of getting cancer, due to the large amount of antioxidants it contains, this does not mean that it is an anticancer, but its regular consumption can help in the prevention of the appearance of cancer.

Some research indicates that in places where green tea is frequently ingested, the percentages of cancer are much lower than in places where it is not taken regularly.

It is believed, since it is not yet clear why it causes this effect, it may be due to the large amount of phenols, this substance helps prevent the formation of free radicals that damage our healthy cells in the body and help us kill cancer cells and prevent their reproduction, more than any other tea (almost similar to white tea).

2. prevents cardiovascular diseases
Thanks to the large amount of antioxidants, one of the benefits of green tea are to regulate the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and this is why it also helps prevent it from being installed in the blood vessels, this is how it is considered that green tea helps reduce risks and heart-related problems.

Green tea works in the lining of blood vessels, which helps keep you relaxed and able to withstand blood pressure. It also helps protect the formation of clots, which are the main cause of heart attacks.

3. It helps to delay aging
Wrinkles and aging find us sooner or later, unfortunately we cannot avoid it, but we can delay its appearance and soften the process thanks to the benefits and properties of green tea. The high percentage of antioxidants that green tea has helped the circulation improve and the hardening of the arterial walls is avoided. It also has a protein that protects healthy skin cells.

4. Help with weightloss
In several investigations, it has been determined that the fat oxidation power of green tea has helped to lose weight and stimulate metabolism, which improves the ability to burn calories by acting as a cardioprotective and a powerful natural diuretic. 

5. Treatment of arthritis
Green tea has a great analgesic and anti-inflammatory power, which makes it an aid for the treatment of arthritis and inflammatory diseases.

6. Benefits strengthening bones
Green tea has the benefit of strengthening and protecting the mineral density of the bones of the spine and the hip sector because it is thought that one of the properties of green tea would be highly linked to the presence of fluoride. It also has properties to help bone formation.

7. Helps regulate the cholesterol
It helps to regulate the levels of cholesterol, mainly of the bad cholesterol LDL. It is not surprising that some research mentions that those who drink green tea have a 31% less chance of a cardiovascular disease.

8.  It helps regulate sugar levels
Green tea helps regulate glucose levels in slowing the rise in blood sugar after eating. This can avoid high insulin points and the resulting fat storage.
This disease, type II diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in recent decades and now affects around 300 million people worldwide. It is about having high blood sugar levels with insulin resistance or the inability to produce insulin. Many studies show that green tea can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels.
9.  Strengthens memory
Green tea has the benefit of improving cognitive function, which helps generate neuronal cells, which is a process known as neurogenesis, which focuses on the area of ​​the hippocampus where information is processed in long and short term memory.

10. Improves brain functioning
Green tea promotes alertness and sharpens your intellectual abilities. 
Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in humans and the main cause of dementia. Parkinson's disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and involves the death of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain. Catechin compounds in green tea may have different protective effects on neurons in test tubes and animal models, potentially helping to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's.

The bioactive compounds present in green tea may have several protective effects on neurons and may reduce the risk of both Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, the two most common neurodegenerative disorders

11. Stop accumulation of fat in the liver
Green tea extract can help stop the accumulation of fat in the liver. Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, it can help:
· Block stored fat in the liver         
· Improve liver function         
· Increase the speed by which fat is transformed into energy by the liver         
· Block the synthesis of fat in the liver        

12. Stimulate the immune system
Thanks to the amount of antioxidants can help the generation of T cells, which are essential to positively stimulate the immune system in general.

13.  Prevents infection to the ear
Many studies show that thanks to the catechin can help to kill bacteria and inhibit viruses, such as influenza virus, colds, and infections to the ears and even herpes, which could reduce their risk of infections.

14. Prevents cavities
Streptococcus mutans is one of the primary harmful bacteria in the mouth. This causes plaque formation and is one of the main contributors to tooth decay. Green tea catechins can inhibit the growth of bacteria and some viruses. This can decrease the risk of infections and lead to improvements in dental health, a lower risk of tooth decay and reduces bad breath.

15. Help reduce stress
Green tea is known for its antioxidant properties. Certain components of this tea decrease the formation and activity of free radicals, which consequently helps reduce stress. It also has an amino acid called L-theanine whose main effect is relaxation, without causing drowsiness.

Stress is very harmful to health, it can even alter the normal functioning of our body and affect our immune system. L-theanine helps us mental relaxation, without causing sleep or fatigue, lowering the levels of nervousness and anxiety, without causing insomnia.

16. Helps relieve allergies
Within all the properties and benefits of green tea, we find that this drink helps us fight allergies.

One of the components of green tea is epigallocatechin gallate, which helps block certain components that activate allergies, especially seasonal ones. This component would activate a defense mechanism against cells that generate seasonal allergies.

Benefits of green tea with lemon
Green tea with lemon helps to lose weight because combining green tea with lemon increases the detoxifying power of the body facilitating weight loss. In addition to this, it also increases the antioxidant power of the body by strengthening the immune system and promoting healthy weight loss. To make green tea with lemon is very simple:
1 cup of boiled water;
1 cup of green tea;
Juice of half a lemon

Preparation mode
Add the green tea leaves in the boiled water and let stand for 10 minutes. Strain, add the lemon juice and drink.
Another benefit of green tea with lemon is that lemon juice helps disguise the bitter taste characteristic of green tea and is easier to drink throughout the day.
16 reasons why Health Benefits of Green Tea is so Famous!
Benefits of green tea in capsules
The benefits of green tea in capsules are equal to all the benefits of green tea in other presentations and are an excellent alternative for those who do not like the bitter taste of green tea. Simply take 1 capsule of green tea, 3 times a day, 30 minutes after meals, ideally confirm on the label of the product since the quantities may vary with the brand.
Green tea can be found in the form of dried leaves, bags of crushed or granulated tea, which can be consumed hot or cold and can be purchased in supermarkets or natural products stores.

How to drink green tea
Green tea should be drunk between meals because it reduces the absorption of various nutrients such as iron and calcium. Who does not like the bitter taste characteristic of green tea can add mint leaves or beat the tea in the blender with fruits such as apple or strawberries.

To have all the benefits of green tea, just take 3 to 4 cups of green tea a day. This amount should not be exceeded, since taking large amounts of green tea can cause insomnia, increase blood pressure and even cause gastritis. There are no proven effects on the fact of consuming green tea on an empty stomach, so if you decide to take it, you should be alert if you have any symptoms.

As you can see, green tea, besides being a delicious drink, has many benefits, both for health and aesthetics.

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