How to use Coconut Oil for Oral Hygiene

How to use Coconut Oil for Oral Hygiene

Do you know coconut oil can be used for oral hygiene? Coconut oil is one of the most used natural products for skin and health care, thanks to its many effects. Its properties include the presence of lauric acid, which together with the numerous saturated fatty acids can be considered the most relevant ingredient in coconut oil.
How to use Coconut Oil for Oral Hygiene

Coconut oil is a historical remedy that exhibits a wide range of oral hygiene. Traditionally, this remedy originated in ancient India, which helped in therapeutic and preventive oral health. It is important to be clear that coconut oil is not a natural miracle product, however, it can help protect against oral problems.

Coconut oil is a good remedy for whitening tooth enamel without causing damage to the structure, as well as a great help in the prevention of tartar. It can be used to fight infections caused by bacteria, such as tooth decay, and it also serves as a gum suppressant, preventing bleeding. In this article, we will know how to use coconut oil for oral hygiene.

The importance of maintaining oral hygiene
It is important to maintain constant and daily care in the mouth. Both teeth and gums require regular cleaning in order to avoid possible diseases such as gingivitis or tooth decay.

Today, due to the increasing consumption of sugary foods, while maintaining a nutrient-poor diet, it is increasingly difficult to avoid the attack of bacteria and germs in the mouth. The oral flora, if not maintained properly, can lose its balance causing the disappearance of its defenses.

Under these conditions, bacteria can develop almost freely. As a result of its proliferation, problems such as gum inflammation and enamel destruction will appear.  In many cases, certain complications of these diseases can end the loss of teeth.

Therefore, brushing your teeth regularly is essential to keep them free of bacteria that may be dangerous. Also, making regular visits to the dentist will help prevent the presentation of these problems.

Natural treatment with coconut oil

There are several modalities in which coconut oil can be found:
  • Combined with chemicals that offer to increase the benefits of the oil.
  • Naturally, without mixing with other products.
  • Combined with other natural oils or natural derivatives, such as aloe vera.

Ideally, try to find coconut oil that is totally natural or in any case, find it mixed with some other natural elements. It is advisable to avoid, as far as possible, the presence of any chemical.

How to use Coconut Oil for Oral Hygiene

Benefits of coconut oil in the mouth

1. It helps reduce bad breath
The halitosis is a disease caused by many different factors, being a major excessive use of chemicals. It can also be due to genetic causes, as well as bacteria that appear due to poor oral cleaning and the gases generated by certain foods.

It is estimated that 50% of the population may have suffered this problem. Coconut oil helps eliminate bacteria naturally and leave a fresher breath thanks to its antibacterial properties.

2. It helps prevent inflammation
The gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. It occurs when the immune system begins to attack the bacteria concentrated in the gums.

Coconut oil acts in two ways, the first is to help fight the bacteria that are causing the problem. The second is reducing inflammation, helping to repair damage more quickly and leaving a light protective layer.

3. Help lighten teeth
It is estimated that about 2 million dollars can be spent per year on products focused on lightening teeth. The problem is that the desired results are not always obtained and the chemicals that enters our mouth could cause side effects.

4. They are non-harmful chemicals
Creams or toothpaste have triclosan a chemical component that has been shown to cause resistance to antibiotics and further deteriorate the endocrine system and has been linked to the occurrence of cancer, fetal malformations in rats and mice.

Another chemical agent is Fluoride that gradually becomes a poisonous substance for the body although it is dosed in small quantities, common toothpaste has this component.

In the case of coconut oil, it is a substance that is found naturally, in coconut, only a mechanical or chemical extraction must be applied and it is not harmful to oral health in the amounts used.

5. Sparkling sin
Most toothpaste contains surfactants so that foam can be generated during brushing, these substances are responsible for inhibiting part of the palate's operation by breaking the phospholipid compounds of our tongue.

On the other hand, coconut oil helps maintain the balance of the common fats of the tongue and maintains its antibacterial potency, in addition, it is pleasant in taste and does not leave bitter tastes in the mouth.

6. Cheap
Coconut oil is not expensive in the market and additionally large amounts of it are not required to keep your teeth neat, so a small bottle can last for several months. On the other hand, you can extract coconut oil at home and further reduce its cost.

How to use Coconut Oil for Oral Hygiene

Oil Pulling
Oil pulling consists of rinsing your mouth with coconut oil, just as you would do with any mouthwash, you must spread it throughout your mouth for at least 10 min maximum 15, to guarantee its effectiveness. However, when you start this practice you can start with a time of 5 minutes.

During the rinse, the oil will attack the bacteria present. Not only will you reduce the dental plaque but it will leave you a good breath, and it allows a polishing of the teeth, which generates the removal of tartar in the gum lines, thus preventing the onset of oral diseases.

In addition to its cleansing effect, the curative effect is added as it allows reducing the wounds or cuts present in the mouth inside and outside, generating protection against oral infections.

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  • Step 1: Place a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth before breakfast.
  • Step 2: Slowly move the oil throughout your mouth and teeth for 15 to 20 minutes. During this time the oil will mix with the saliva and remove dirt and bacterial toxins. 
  • Step 3: Spit the oil when the oil turns white and thin consistency. If it doesn't look this way, stir the mixture for a few more minutes. Rinse your mouth with water, and finish with a brush.

With these rinses you perform a deeper cleaning of your mouth, the digestive tract is balanced, it eliminates tartar, it improves your breath and the pain caused by gum inflammation is relieved, eliminating bacteria and toxins more easily and safely, without altering our oral pH. Thus coconut oil helps you in oral hygiene.

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