17 Hidden Agenda of Health Benefits of Onion
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
One onion a day could keep you away from diseases, it is very nutritious and with great health
benefits. And that is what gives it its "characteristic
aroma", it is precisely what makes it so effective. Onions are part
of the "allium" family of vegetables and herbs, which also includes chives,
garlic, chives and leeks.
How are onions
The onions can vary in size, shape, color and
flavor. Red, yellow and white are the most common types of onions. The flavors
can vary from sweet and juicy to mild to strong, spicy and sour, often
depending on the season in which they are produced and consumed. It is
estimated that 105 billion onions are harvested every year throughout the
Now we will see what its benefits are but among the main
ones, we can say that consuming onions reduces the risk of suffering from
several types of cancer, which improves the mood and the maintenance of the
health of the skin and hair.
Nutritional value of the onion
Onion is a food rich in nutrients, which means that while
they are low in calories and are rich in beneficial nutrients, such
as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
A cup of chopped onion contains about
64 calories
15 grams of carbohydrates
0 grams of fat
0 grams of cholesterol
3 grams of fiber
7 grams of sugar
2 grams of protein
10% or more of the daily value of vitamin C, vitamin B-6 and
Onions also contain small amounts of calcium, iron,
folate, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and quercetin antioxidants and sulfur.
The Health Benefits of Onion
1. Protect the heart
It is one of the most powerful cardio protectors that exist
in nature. The presence of the enzyme alinasa and sulfides that have the
characteristic of thinning the blood, help to reduce the levels of
"bad" cholesterol, maintains the elasticity of the arteries and
cleanses the fat. A study from the University of Pennsylvania says that
eating a medium onion a day reduces cardiovascular risk and cholesterol by 15%.
2. Allied against diabetes
Onions are rich in glucokinin, a substance that lowers the
level of sugar in the blood. According to Juan T. Copán, author of the
book Health for garlic and onions, the habitual consumption of fresh onions
reduces blood sugar levels and stimulates the segregation of pancreatic juice,
that is, it helps eliminate toxins from the blood sugars.
3. It favors the digestion
The quinine that contains the onion stimulates the liver, the
vesicle, the pancreas and favors the functions of the stomach, in addition, it
has a neutralizing effect of the acids and activates the secretion of the gastric juices that favor the health of the intestinal flora. The cooked
onion has laxative properties.
4. Strengthens defenses
The onion is rich in sulfur compounds that are part of its
essential oil and are responsible for its characteristic smell and
taste. The allyl propyl disulfide they contain contributes to the increase
in the production of red and white blood cells, which increases the defensive
effectiveness of our organism, it also provides bactericidal and fungicidal
properties that help eliminate many viruses and prevent their development.
5. It is diuretic
A food with diuretic virtues is one that improves and
facilitates the excretion of urine. A scientific study of the Journal of
Medicinal Food verified the capabilities of the onion to efficiently activate
the function of the kidneys and facilitate the elimination of fluids in the
6. Against cancer
A group of scientists from the Autonomous University of
Madrid discovered that the outer skin of the onion is rich in a group of
substances that help prevent cancer. The sulfur compounds, quercetin and
selenium would be useful in the prevention of cancer because of their
antioxidant effects.
7. Respiratory ailments
The onion is one of the most traditional, effective and
recognized remedies for colds, flu, colds, bronchitis, nasal congestion, since
it facilitates expectoration, calms the cough and cleanses the respiratory
tract. They have antiviral and bactericidal properties, which helps the
user to increase their defenses.
8. For impotence
The poet Ovidio recommended its consumption and indicated
that in the case of men, onions added virility, and in women, they purified the
blood. According to Juan T. Copán author of the book Health for garlic and
onion, is a blood constituent that helps the penis irrigation is
better; hence, it is considered an aphrodisiac.
9. Slimming properties
The onion does not have any specific slimming property but it
plays a very important role in diets to lose weight, since it has the ability
to act on cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing their levels. It has low
energy content due to its high percentage of water and its low-fat content.
10. Friend of the skin
Seldom do we speak of the great healing and emollient power
of the skin onion. The sulfur compounds that it contains are specially
indicated to keep the skin healthy. It is used topically to reduce
wrinkles on the face, eliminate acne, stimulate the hair follicle, eliminate
dandruff, preserve hair, and disinfect wounds, among others.
11. Prevents anemia
The onion has anti-anemic properties, as it
provides phosphorus, iron, and vitamin E, properties that help replenish blood
loss and regenerate red blood cells.
12. Helps control hypertension
Containing potassium, the onion helps eliminate
excess fluid and reduces the risk of gout, hypertension
and kidney stones.
13. Help to lose weight and control weight
The onion is perfect for inclusion in the diet,
either to lose weight or for other health issues. Due to its low caloric
value and its high fiber content, it is ideal to aid a weight loss diet, since it improves intestinal transit and cleanses
and eliminates toxins, thus avoiding fluid retention. In addition,
eating onions gives one the feeling of fullness.
14. for pregnant women and children
Thanks to its high folate content, it is ideal for pregnant
women and children since it helps the growth and proper development of the fetus
in the first weeks of pregnancy.
15. It has antioxidant
The onion has antioxidant powers because it contains,
vitamins A and C, sulfur and flavonoids, such as quercetin and anthocyanin.
16. Helps fight constipation
By combining the cleaning of the digestive system with
the elimination of toxins and their amount of fiber, the onion is key
to fighting constipation.
17. Hair treatment
If you wash the hair with the juice of the onion you will
help to eradicate dandruff and to prevent or stop the fall of the hair.
3 home remedies based on onion
For flu or cold: 4 onions are allowed to
marinate for 24 hours in a liter of warm water. Take a cup between meals
and before bedtime.
For diabetes: the previous preparation, at a
rate of one cup a day in the morning fasting helps to reduce the level of
The onion in the kitchen
The onion is unpredictable in the kitchen and is one of the
most used condiments in the Mediterranean culinary culture. Thanks to its
juiciness, this food allows cooking with very little oil and
water. Pickled, fried, breaded, boiled, baked or raw, the onion is
delicious. By cooking food well, the loss of nutrients is minimized
and the dish lightened, making it easier to digest.
A good base of chopped onion or cut in julienne on a light
background of oil, preferably olive, is always a good start to prepare any
stew, a stew or the filling of a cake. An important detail is to add the
onion when the oil is hot enough, but before it starts to smoke. This
prevents oil from getting soaked and its structure is broken.
Before adding any other ingredient it is necessary, in most
recipes, for the onion to reach a certain degree of cooking. The idea is
to wait for the moment when it becomes transparent. Otherwise, some
ingredients, such as tomatoes, stop the cooking process and prevent the onion
from releasing all its flavor and cooking enough.
Delicious raw and cooked
The onion makes the ingredients of the dish integrate
with each other, harmonizing their flavors. Its juiciness is also useful
in the preparation of fillings and baked recipes since it prevents them from
drying out and gives them a smoothness. A simple onion roasted in the oven and well-seasoned
is one of the tastiest and simplest dishes to prepare. If it is used raw
it is very refreshing and, of course, an ideal ingredient in the
preparation of salads. With tomato, olives and a little olive oil, it is
To soften it, just leave it for a few minutes in
maceration, with a little salt and a splash of vinegar. It can also be served,
simply, with a little lemon and some chopped parsley, as they are used to
in some Arab countries. This affinity with vinegar makes it
an ideal vegetable for the preparation of pickles, either
alone or mixed with other aromatic herbs.
When cooking, the onion combines well with most
vegetables and cereals. It is a good base for paella, and should not
be forgotten in the production of millet or couscous. It also makes good crumbs
with garlic and leek.
Anyway, more studies will be necessary to have more
scientific evidence, but we must not forget that the role of diet in health and
in the prevention of disease is a consequence of all the foods we eat and not
just one. The onion, as we see, is full
of goodness and is a perfect ally for your health.