10 Health Benefits of Turmeric that will Make you Amazed
Friday, June 21, 2019
Turmeric, a spice traditionally used in oriental
medicine, is today highly valued worldwide for its health benefits like antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
properties. But, also, it has other
important health benefits and is
highly appreciated in international gastronomy.
was already used in ancient times as an effective remedy to strengthen and warm
the body, and fight against flu, colds, anxiety
and depression. It is obtained from the root of herbaceous plant, of
the family of the zingiberáceas, scientifically known as Curcuma longa,
which is similar to ginger and grows in the south of India and
Indonesia. The root dries and grates, obtaining an orange powder, with a
powerful smell and flavor.
we know that it has many more virtues for health than those traditionally
attributed to it: it is anti-inflammatory, stimulates the immune system (has
antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents), and contributes to brain
health (improves oxygenation). In addition, it improves digestion (reduces
gas and bloating), contribute to weight loss (favors the breakdown
of fat from food,) and some studies suggest that it could also control
cholesterol and diabetes (it helps to control levels of Blood
glucose). All these benefits are due to its main asset: curcumin, which,
however, is present in small quantities (only 2-4 percent of the ingredients).
of Turmeric for Health
It is a powerful antioxidant that can slow aging
is one of the active principles of turmeric and in addition to providing its
characteristic orange color, it has a powerful antioxidant capacity proven in
numerous scientific studies like this one.
are chemical compounds that retard or prevent the oxidation of the molecules of
our cells. That is, they slow down the aging of our organism.
It is a natural anti-inflammatory
inflammation of some tissues of our body can end up producing diseases such as
ulcerative colitis or gingivitis.
In a
review of the scientific studies conducted on the effect of curcumin and
mesalamine in patients with ulcerative colitis (inflammatory disease of the
large intestine and rectum), curcumin was observed to help eliminate this
In another
review of the scientific studies conducted on the anti-inflammatory
capacity of turmeric for the treatment of gingivitis (inflammation of the gums
that affects approximately 80% of the world population), it was concluded that
turmeric can be used as an anti-inflammatory supplement for preventing and treat
this health problem.
Curcumin may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease
is an amino acid that if found at high levels in our body can increase the
risk of cardiovascular disease. The good cholesterol (HDL) prevents the harmful
fats of our body from clogging our arteries.
is observed that the group of men who are consuming curcumin, decreased their
levels of homocysteine and increased the good cholesterol (HDL) of their
It can be a complementary aid in the treatment of some cancers
In one
study it was concluded that turmeric combined with Bevacizumab is
beneficial in treating patients with colon cancer.
In another
study it was concluded that a mixture of turmeric, ginger and garlic
combined with Tamoxifen can help in the treatment of breast cancer.
in another study, it was concluded that it is possible that turmeric and
garlic, in combination with Tamoxifen, help treat lung cancer although more
research is required.
Turmeric is also good for regulating the blood glucose
In a
review of the scientific studies conducted on the ability of turmeric to
reduce blood glucose, it was observed that it is able to reduce the blood
glucose of fasting adults who have some degree of dysglycemia or prediabetes.
It can help to diminish the excess of fats in the blood
In a
study conducted with 30 people, it was observed that turmeric decreased
their dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is an excessive concentration of fats in the
blood, such as cholesterol or triglycerides.
starting this study, the 30 participants had dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia and
oxidative stress and after taking 1 gram of turmeric 3 times a day for 12
weeks, these 3 signs decreased.
It can reduce pain and help heal wounds
In a
study carried out with 78 people who, after extracting a dental piece,
presented alveolar osteitis, a significant reduction in pain and a rapid
healing of their wounds were observed after they had applied a mixture of
turmeric with mustard oil.
alveolar osteitis is a frequent condition that occurs after a tooth extraction
in which the patient presents pain that does not easily disappear with
conventional analgesics.
It can help people suffering from a major depressive disorder
In a
study of 123 people diagnosed with major depressive disorder, curcumin was
found to help reduce their depressive and anxiety symptoms. Both at low doses
and at high doses, and the combined treatment of curcumin with saffron, reduced
the depressive and anxiety symptoms of the people assigned to them.
9. Protects
the brain
The Alzheimer's disease whose
cause is unknown, involves chronic inflammation of the central nervous
system. The usual treatment includes the use of cyclooxygenase inhibitor
studies suggest that, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, the consumption
of turmeric improves the quality of brain tissue and reduces the
progression of Alzheimer's.
Improves the health of eyes and skin
nerve cells of the eye are loaded with pigments, and curcumin, possibly because
it is a pigment, is very useful in the face of macular degeneration. This
is a disease typical of old age, in which the macula - a very sensitive part of
the retina - begins to degrade and lose its capacity for perception. It is also
used in the treatment of acne.
curcumin regenerates the so-called "retinal purpura", which is
involved in the perception of colors and in low light conditions.
how much health benefits Turmeric
has??? It’s really amazing, isn’t it?
It is much more than an aromatic spice. It has been known for more
than 4,000 years in India, and since a few decades have been proven and
recognized in the West, causing its consumption to spread rapidly.