18 Super Foods High in Antioxidants

18 Super Foods High in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are important substances for everyone's health. This is because they act by inhibiting free radicals, so they can slow the aging of cells and prevent a number of diseases. Therefore, foods rich in this substance should always be included in our menu. The good news is that they are many and can be consumed all day, from breakfast to dinner! To inspire you to eat better and better, we separated 18 super-rich foods into antioxidants. Check out!
18 Super Foods High in Antioxidants

What are natural antioxidants?
The antioxidants are elements that protect cells of your body against the aggression of free radicals.
Okay, but ... what are free radicals?
Free radicals are atoms with a free or unpaired electron.
So to speak, this electron is in imbalance and needs a proton to rebalance.
When it does, it usually steals that proton from another atom or molecule (in this case a cell of our organism) that in turn becomes unstable and repeats the process, causing a chain reaction that ends up harming our cells.
The organism has its own mechanisms to neutralize these free radicals.
But when the production of these free radicals is excessive or insufficiently repaired, damage can appear.
That is why it is so important to help your body in the task of neutralizing them.

What are antioxidant-rich foods?
The antioxidant foods help you in removing free radicals from the body.
Delaying and thus preventing different diseases and the feared cellular aging, among others.
That is why they are key ingredients that cannot be missing in your pantry that consumed in a balanced way assure us to be a source of youth and health.
These antioxidant properties are found mainly in:
Vitamins of groups A, C, and E
And selenium.
Of the foods that contain them.

Types of antioxidants that we can find in food:
Antioxidant substances include:
Beta carotene:  carrots, mangoes, squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes, oranges, and zucchini
Lutein:  present in green leafy vegetables
Lycopene: pink grapefruit, watermelon, and tomatoes
Selenium: cereals, legumes, fish, whole wheat bread and nuts
Vitamin A: milk, liver, butter and eggs
Vitamin C: papayas, strawberries, oranges and kiwi
Vitamin E: nuts and seeds, spinach and kale
All of them in one way or another help your body fight against the effects of free radicals and in this way mitigate their effects.

List of antioxidant foods
The important thing is to provide the body with a significant amount of antioxidants per day to strengthen and perform their functions. If you still do not know the best foods rich in antioxidants, here are some of them:

1. Berries
The berries such as raspberries, (Euterpe oleracea), widely used in the Amazonian diets for the nutritional properties of the fruit; Blueberries and strawberries are a rich source of antioxidants.  Cranberries, raspberries and blackberries contain an antioxidant called anthocyanins. According to some studies, they could help prevent chronic heart disease.
Its benefits are due to anthocyanins, the pigments that confer bluish, red or purple color to the fruits of the forest, capable of blocking the action of free radicals, according to a report by the United States Department of Agriculture.

2. Green Tea
Green tea is a type of tea that has not undergone oxidation during processing because the leaves are picked fresh and then dried. It has a very high content of polyphenols, which work in the body with other chemicals to increase fat oxidation levels. Of course, green tea also has anti-carcinogenic effects, as reviewed in some studies, and when consumed in moderation it reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that it is best to drink about two or three cups of green tea a day to find all the benefits it has on our body.

3. Tomato
The main advantage of tomato is that it can be consumed in a large number of ways, such as salads, sauces or juices. Protects our health and fights aging thanks to its antioxidants, among which lycopene certainly stands out. It has been shown that lycopene or the substances that contain it are capable of reducing cholesterol synthesis, decreasing LDL oxidation, contributing to pressure drop in patients with hypertension and developing an antithrombotic effect by reducing activation and platelet aggregation.
18 Super Foods High in Antioxidants

4. Artichokes
Artichokes have a large amount of phytonutrients and polyphenols, so they are a fantastic antioxidant. In addition, it has other qualities: they are diuretic, help to fight triglycerides in the blood and regulate our cholesterol, and its digestive properties make it ideal to treat diseases such as uric acid, rheumatism and gallstone problems. It is also related to the health of memory. In short, the artichoke is a superfood.

5. Garlic
It has proven effectiveness in the fight against all types of diseases, from cancer to the common cold. It also increases the production of testosterone to build muscle and decreases the stress cortisol hormone. As if that were not enough, it improves the function of the immune system and liver function and provides vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium and manganese. Cooking with garlic is synonymous with health, and with 2-3 cloves of garlic daily we will make sure of its benefits.

6. Cinnamon
Besides being delicious and being able to be used in different types of desserts, cinnamon has been used as an anti-fungal agent and improves digestion. Like many other spices, it is antimicrobial, helps fight bad breath and is of great interest to improve insulin sensitivity. It is also a potent antioxidant and protects against colorectal cancer. However, not all cinnamon is the same: there are two types, Cassia (which has a high level of coumarin, which in large quantities can pose a threat to the liver) and Ceylon. Finally, cinnamon is a great source of calcium, so it can also help us keep our bones strong.

7. Dark chocolate
The more cocoa you have, the better. It is considered dark chocolate when it has a minimum of 70 percent. The only problem is that dark chocolate is quite caloric, so we have to take it with moderation. Contains important antioxidants for our health such as flavonoids and polyphenols, help to free the body from free radicals and has healthy fats. In addition, it stimulates the production of endorphins, the hormones of pleasure and happiness, and is very rich, which is the most important.

8. Carrots
Carrots contain beta-carotene and other important antioxidants that help the body produce vitamin A.  Vitamin A is good for visual health, as well as being key in cancer prevention.  
It is a very suitable food if you suffer from gastric problems such as gastritis or acidity, thanks to its content in chlorine, sodium, potassium and vitamins of group B.
In addition, its consumption in crude, like that of many vegetables, is recommended for the protection of enamel and gums, strengthening them and helping to get rid of bacteria.
All this among many other benefits that this vegetable has: for nursing mothers, people with a lot of mental work such as students, etc.

9. Grapes
Grape is a rich source of polyphenols and flavonoids.
They help control bad cholesterol.
They reduce blood pressure.
They protect the heart.
It has been shown that they can help in diseases such as diabetes or Alzheimer's.
It contains a large percentage of vitamin K and manganese recommended for each day.
In addition, some research carried out with grapes has shown that their consumption can prevent cancers such as colon and breast, this due to resveratrol, an antioxidant contained in the grape.

10. Broccoli
This cruciferous vegetable is fundamental for our health, so it should not be missing in our kitchen. It has important anti-cancer properties thanks to its phytonutrient called sulforaphane. Broccoli also has a high content of vitamins A, C, E and minerals such as zinc or potassium. It is also very useful against constipation thanks to its fiber content, and protects us from high blood pressure due to its chromium content, a mineral responsible for regulating blood glucose.

11. Legumes
The legumes have great antioxidant potential and the beans are at the head of this type of food. They are highly recommended in diets for weight control because they have an important caloric and nutritional distribution, so it should be incorporated into our diet around 2 or 3 times per week.

12. Mushrooms
Mushrooms or mushrooms may contain unusually high amounts of two antioxidants, ergothioneine and glutathione, which could help fight aging and improve health, researchers at the Pennsylvania State University in the USA found in 2018.

13. Infallible nuts
The consumption of walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pine nuts and other nuts are associated with better cardiovascular health, however, they are also an antioxidant pump with great benefits for health, thanks to its rich content of ellagic acid, selenium , vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids that provide elasticity to the skin and strengthen the immune system.

14. Kiwi with skin
It is a fruit very rich in vitamin C (contains twice as much as an orange). The golden variety abounds more in it. It also contains vitamin E, especially in the skin, which can be eaten; just brush the fluff. 

15. Wheat germ, vitamin E guarantee
It is the richest food in vitamin E, one of the most difficult to obtain: a tablespoon provides 20.3 mg, which covers the daily needs of this nutrient that protects virtually every cell in the body. It also contains selenium. 

16. Spinach, a treasure for the eyes
They are rich in several antioxidant substances or that favor their action, such as beta-carotene, folic acid, zeaxanthin and Alpha-lipoic acid. Also in vitamin C if consumed raw. In the laboratory, spinach appears as one of the most effective foods. In particular, they help to preserve the health of the eyes. 

17. Dairy and eggs
Enriching your diet with dairy producers such as milk, butter, cheese and eggs can be a great idea. These foods are rich in vitamin A, one of the best antioxidants to boost the immune system. In addition, this vitamin promotes good vision, especially in dim light.

18. Green is life
All leafy greens have antioxidant properties and are a source of vitamin C and E, folate, carotenoids and glucosinolates and sulforaphane. You can include in your diet chard, spinach, kale, in addition to chili pepper in all types, tomato, peas, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and kale, carrots, squash, broccoli, sweet potatoes and zucchini.

You have already seen how easily we can include a lot of antioxidants in our diet with simple, easy-to-eat foods. So keep that in mind and take advantage of all these benefits that we just told you.

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