20 Surprising Health Benefits of Radish

20 Surprising Health Benefits of Radish

The radish is a plant that has the particularity that can be used from the root to the leaves. This vegetable root is very versatile and serves as a companion to soups and salads, among other dishes. All this, without talking about the benefits of radish for health. Among them, they highlight its power to relieve constipation and improve kidney problems.
20 Surprising Health Benefits of Radish
Characteristics of radish
The standard radish is red on the outside and white on the inside, although there are other varieties of pink, yellow, gray and purple. It is said that the first radish was black.
It is a root that grows in round shape and reaches the approximate size of a ping-pong or golf ball.

Its slightly spicy flavor and crunchy texture make the radish a very special tuber.
When belonging to the cruciferous family, it is considered as a cousin of Brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, turnip, cauliflower, among many other vegetables.
Radish is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, K, B vitamins, beta carotene, folate, magnesium and calcium, among other micronutrients.

Nutritional properties of radish
Like many other vegetables, radish offers good nutritional value without increasing the number of calories in our diet. This makes it an excellent ally for those who want to lose weight and eat healthy. If you want to take advantage of its nutritional properties, and at the same time add extra flavor to your meals, include it in your salads, stews and soups.

In general, in a basic portion of raw radish (100 grams) we can find the following nutritional values:

Total carbohydrates : 3.4 grams
Fiber : 1.6 grams
Sugars : 1.86 grams
Proteins : 0.70 - 1 grams
Fats : 0.1 grams
Total calories : 16 - 17
Regarding the content of vitamins present in radishes, it should be noted its contribution of:

Vitamin C (14.8 mg or 36% of the recommended daily dose)
Vitamins of the B complex , such as vitamin B1 or thiamin (3% of the recommended daily dose), vitamin B2 or riboflavin (2% of the recommended daily dose), vitamin B3 or niacin (3%), vitamin B6 (5%) and vitamin B9 or folate (12%).
Vitamin K (2% of the recommended daily dose)
Among the most abundant minerals are potassium (233 mg), calcium (25 mg), sodium (21 mg), phosphorus (20 mg), magnesium (10 mg), iodine (1.20 mg), iron (0.34 mg) and zinc (0.28 mg). Other less abundant minerals in this tuber are copper and manganese.
On the other hand, it contains a wide list of amino acids, among which glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine, lysine, arginine, valine and isoleucine stand out, among others. They all combine to form the radish proteins.

20 Benefits and uses of radish
Radish has benefits and medicinal uses that many people do not imagine. Its properties, increasingly studied by researchers, help treat and prevent numerous health conditions, especially disorders in the liver, kidneys and digestive system.

1. Liver health
It helps to fight jaundice. Eating radishes is very useful in the treatment of jaundice due to its ability to eliminate excess bilirubin and maintain its production at a stable level.
They also prevent the destruction of red blood cells that usually occurs in patients with jaundice by increasing the supply of fresh oxygen to the blood. Radish is a good purifying and detoxifying agent for the body, so eating it often will help you to have your blood free of toxins and wastes. It is said that the black radish, including its leaves, is the best variant to combat jaundice; One study found that Spanish black radishes contain four times more glucosinolates (typical plant compounds in the cruciferous family), compared to other varieties. This increases its detoxifying effect in the organism, favoring the low levels of toxicity and the acceleration of the metabolism.

2. Protects the liver and gallbladder
This tubercle is especially beneficial to maintain the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder, as it contains essential enzymes such as myrosinase, diastase, amylase and esterase. Its consumption helps regulate the production and flow of bile, bilirubin, acids and liver enzymes.

3. It helps to eliminate gallstones
The presence of stones, especially in the gallbladder3, you can fight with a preparation of radish and lemon juice. It is recommended to cut 1-2 radishes into small pieces, mix them with lemon juice and consume every 1 hour during the first day. In the following days the same procedure should be repeated, but every 2 hours.

4. Digestive health
It is rich in fiber and water, so its consumption adds considerable volume to bowel movements, promotes regular bowel movements and relieves constipation. It has also been found that eating radishes avoids diarrhea and excessive gas, combats the proliferation of parasites and favors the natural production of bile.
20 Surprising Health Benefits of Radish
5. Relieves and prevents hemorrhoids 
Its fiber content favors good digestion, prevents fluid retention and resolves constipation, one of the main causes of hemorrhoids. On the other hand, its detoxifying action prevents the formation of accumulations in the intestine. It is recommended to drink homemade radish juice to maintain good health of the digestive and excretory systems, as well as to relieve the annoying symptoms of hemorrhoids.

6. Keeps you well hydrated 
Because radishes have a high water content, they are considered an excellent source of hydration in the diet. Obviously, this has an impact on the digestive system, hence eating radish and other vegetables rich in water (cucumber, lettuce, chard), help us avoid constipation, indigestion and inadequate absorption of nutrients.

7. Protects the health of the kidneys
Because of its diuretic and detoxifying effect, radishes help in the treatment and prevention of various kidney disorders.The most important benefits in this regard are its ability to promote the elimination of accumulated toxins in the kidneys and in the blood, as well as the prevention of bacterial infections and the formation of kidney stones.

8. Remedy for urinary tract problems
The diuretic nature of the radish increases our urine production and therefore eliminates more toxins through it. In the presence of a urinary infection, drinking radish juice is an excellent remedy to relieve inflammation and the burning sensation during urination.

9. Promotes the health of the cardiovascular system
Radishes are rich in anthocyanins, a type of flavonoids to which numerous health benefits are attributed. In fact, they have been positively linked to a reduction in the incidence of the most common cardiovascular diseases, as well as inflammatory processes in the body.

10. Reduces blood pressure 
Radish is a very good source of potassium, a mineral that has been positively linked to the reduction of blood pressure. When potassium enters the arterial supply of vascular beds, it can relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. It also reduces blood pressure by not forcing blood through very narrow capillaries.

11. It helps to treat different respiratory conditions 
In fact this is one of the main benefits and uses attributed to it. Radishes have decongestant power, that is, they eliminate excess mucus in the throat and sinuses. That means they are excellent for reducing congestion of the respiratory system and soothing irritation of the nose, throat, trachea and lungs. Its consumption not only alleviates the worst symptoms of common respiratory conditions, such as colds, infections and allergies, but also diseases such as bronchitis and asthma.

Add 100 grams of radish to 1 liter of hot water and let stand for 1 hour. Drink this water several times a day as regular water until symptoms disappear. You can add a little honey and cinnamon to enhance its effect and improve the flavor.

12. It acts as a natural protector of the skin
Eating radishes on a regular basis also promotes the good health and appearance of the skin. Its content of vitamin C (collagen promoter), phosphorus, zinc, B vitamins and water help hydrate, regenerate and nourish the different layers of the skin . It can also be very useful in the treatment of some skin disorders, such as dry skin, rashes and cracks, thanks to its disinfectant properties.

13. Improves recovery after an insect bite 
Applying radish juice is a good remedy to reduce pain and swelling in the area affected by an insect bite, especially bee stings. This healing effect is due to its anti-pruritic properties.

14. Improves the appearance of white patches caused by vitiligo or leucoderma
The radish, especially its seeds, is a good remedy to return the natural color to the white patches caused by this chronic condition. The seeds contain the highest concentration of compounds, hence the most used part. You only need to mix approximately 25 grams of powdered radish seeds with 2 tablespoons of vinegar, stirring to a fine paste. Then the paste should be applied on the leucoderma stains, repeating every day for several months.

15. It is compatible with a weight loss plan 
Eating radishes can satisfy your appetite without drastically increasing the amount of calories you eat during the day. They are low in carbohydrates, but rich in fiber and water, so they are a great alternative for those who want to lose weight. Its content of potassium (great diuretic effect that accelerates the natural burning of fats), iodine (accelerates metabolism and fat burning), and its revitalizing effect on the liver (makes fats disappear before they join the tissue), they also favor the process. To lose weight faster it is recommended to drink radish water or natural radish juice several times a day, in combination with a balanced diet and a training plan.

16. Radish can have an impact on cancer prevention 
Due to its content of vitamin C, folic acid, anthocyanins and its detoxifying power, this root vegetable has been linked to the prevention and treatment of many types of cancer, particularly cancer of the colon, kidney, intestine, stomach and oral. In addition, its antioxidants and isothiocyanate compounds may play a role in the destruction of cancer cells, by altering their genetic pathways and causing them apoptosis (cell death).

17. It can be a good ally to control diabetes
Radishes have a low glycemic index, which means they do not raise blood sugar levels. They also help regulate the absorption of sugar in the bloodstream due to its fiber content, and improve lipid metabolism through the action of several glucose-reducing compounds, fructosamine and glycoalbumin.

18. Eating radishes increases immunity
This is one of the main benefits you can get if you eat radishes regularly. It is a tuber that is rich in vitamin C; Half a cup of radishes contributes almost 15% of the recommended daily intake. The more vitamin C we consume, the stronger our immune system is, as we are able to replace many of the antioxidants and white blood cells essential to fight all diseases. In addition to strengthening the immune system, vitamin C helps regulate metabolism and contributes to the creation of collagen, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

19. It is a potential source of biofuel 
In some regions, the radish seeds are subjected to an industrial process that allows the extraction of radish seed oil. Horseradish seeds contain up to 48% oil, and although it is not suitable for human consumption, it is a potential source of biofuel.

20. Prevent erosion caused by winter 
The harvest daikon in cold climates is often used as cover crops to increase soil fertility, suppress weeds, relieve soil compaction and prevent erosion caused by winter.

Is it hard to digest everything you just read? Well, I suggest you have a few slices of radish to your stomach works properly and perhaps makes you hungry for even more nutritious potency.

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