20 Magnesium Rich Foods and their Benefits

20 Magnesium Rich Foods and their Benefits

Magnesium (Mg), like other minerals, perform essential functions in the body and has important health benefits. Functions such as regulation of muscle activity, nervous, blood sugar or blood pressure.

20 Magnesium Rich Foods and their Benefits

Due to its regulatory activity at the muscular level, magnesium is a mineral that athletes take into account. Magnesium intervenes in hundreds of biochemical reactions, so the lack of this mineral can cause symptoms such as tiredness, loss of appetite or headache. Today we tell you foods rich in magnesium with the 'recommended daily amount' that give us this mineral.

Problems with the deficient consumption of magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that the body needs to function properly, it is essential to have higher levels of energy and strength, regulate blood sugar and is key in various chemical reactions that occur in the body.

Also, it is necessary to maintain the correct level of other minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc. The heart, muscles or kidneys demand this mineral to function efficiently, and magnesium also contributes to the proper development of the teeth.
The organism can be seriously affected if the level of magnesium in our body is deficient. This can cause:

Gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and celiac disease
Kidney disease
Stomach viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea
Also, drinking too much alcohol or caffeine on a frequent basis can also adversely affect magnesium levels.

The recommended amount of Magnesium
The National Institute of Health of the United States recommends the daily consumption of magnesium in these proportions
1-3 years: 80 mg
4-8 years: 130 mg
9-13 years: 240 mg
Men 14-18 years old: 410 mg
Women 14-18 year: 360 mg
Males 19-30 years: 400 mg
Women 19-30 years: 310 mg
Male +31 years old: 420 mg
Women +31 years: 320 mg

Magnesium is found naturally in different foods. Although magnesium deficiency is rare, many people do not consume enough of this mineral in their diets.
However, the average adult can only get 66 percent of the recommended daily amount of magnesium in their normal diet, in large part, by the amount of processed foods we eat.

Importance of Magnesium for the Organism

Principal functions
The role of magnesium within the organism is broken down into two major aspects:
Structural, since as it has been said, it is mainly concentrated in the bone tissue.
Regulatory, for its intervention in more than three hundred biochemical reactions. This work is, on occasions, a determining factor, since it conditions processes linked to obtaining energy within the cells.

Physiological functions
To his credit, as fundamental responsibilities shared with other substances, they ensure the correct functioning of the musculature and the nervous system, strengthen both the immune system (being decisive in the synthesis of antibodies) and the bone and dental matrices and ensure the cadence of the heart rate (thanks to the activation of an enzyme in the operation of the sodium-potassium pump).

Metabolic functions
Its participation in a large number of metabolic phenomena confers, in turn, important role in other basic cellular functions, as it helps stabilize blood glucose levels, the production of energy from glucose and protein synthesis, collagen, with which it maintains a particular synergy, and the immune globulins or antibodies, already mentioned above.

Support for Brain Function and Eye System
This mineral, in parallel, is fundamental in the transformation of the omega 3 fatty acids into docosahexaenoic acid, a substance vital for brain function and for the retina.

Joint Health
It is still possible to extend this list of functions of magnesium by appealing to its performance at the level of the joint capsule, where it helps to preserve the ideal texture of the synovial fluid, without neglecting its contribution in combating stress, thrombus formation and reactions.

Foods that contain magnesium

1. Flax and sesame seeds
These seeds are an important source of antioxidants, and besides doing a lot of good to our hearts, they also contribute a lot of magnesium to our body. In only 100 grams of flax seeds, we found 392 mg, while the same amount of sesame, they contribute 351 mg mineral. In addition, 100 grams of sesame butter provide 362 mg of the mineral.

2. Beans
Beans are also an important source of magnesium, especially soy. One hundred grams of this dry and roasted product contributes 228 mg, while one cup of cooked soybeans contains 148 mg of magnesium.

3. Dairy products
Dairy products with a low percentage of fat: these foods derived from milk, make large contributions of magnesium to our body. For example, low-fat mozzarella cheese. A cup of plain yogurt with low percent fat has 47 mg of magnesium.

4. Pumpkin and watermelon seeds
Pumpkin and watermelon, also use its mass to incorporate important nutrients into our body, its seeds can also be used for its high magnesium content. Those of pumpkin contains 738 mg of magnesium, and a cup of watermelon provides 556 mg. You can consume them as nuts or incorporate them into salads.

This fruit, besides being delicious and nutritious, has a significant amount of magnesium. A cup with slices of this fruit can give you 10% of the recommended daily value (VD) which is 41 mg, while a medium piece represents 32 mg.

6. Dried herbs
Dry herbs are often used to change the flavors of our food, serving as condiments for our meals. To cite just a few examples, peppermint, coriander and chives, in addition to spicing up foods, are rich in minerals such as magnesium. One hundred grams of coriander, for example, provide 694 mg of magnesium.

7. Fish
This white flesh gives us countless benefits to our body. It is a source of innumerable vitamins such as the B complex and proteins. There are several specimens rich in magnesium such as the hypo glossus, with a content of 107 mg of the mineral; 

8. Molasses
This product, in addition to serving to replace refined sugar in confectionery, is a food rich in magnesium. In a portion of 100 grams of the product, we can find 242 mg of the mineral.

9. Green leafy vegetables
Green vegetables are powerful antioxidants and also a safe source of magnesium. One cup of raw spinach provides 24 mg of the mineral, while cooked contributes 157 mg. For its part, chard and green cabbage also provide us with magnesium.

This fruit rich in natural oils is also an important source of magnesium. Half a cup of avocado puree provides 33 mg of the mineral. In addition to being a food rich in magnesium, its contribution to monounsaturated fat stands out.

11. Whole grains
Whole grains, besides being rich in fibers, are a source of magnesium. One hundred grams of brown rice provides 44 mg of the mineral, and cooked contains 86 mg. On the other hand, a cup of other cooked whole grains can also make remarkable contributions of magnesium. This mineral is found in a layer that covers the part of the grain, which are the carbohydrates that give us the energy.

12. Nuts
Nuts are also a source of magnesium. With half a cup of dried fig, we give the body 51 mg of magnesium. Likewise, walnuts, almonds and cashews contain notable percentages of magnesium. In the first case, one hundred grams of almonds contains 286 mg, while one of the cashews contains 273 mg. This food can be taken raw or roasted and is taken in all regions of the world. While it is advisable to eat them on a regular basis, generally we should not eat more than a handful a day. They represent an important caloric source.
20 Magnesium Rich Foods and their Benefits

13. Spinach
Spinach is best known for its high iron content, but it is also a food rich in magnesium. 100 grams of this vegetable contains 79 mg of magnesium. For consumption, you can boil them and consume them with potatoes and a piece of meat or fish, or, if you prefer, you can add some raw spinach leaves to a healthy salad.

14. Quinoa
Quinoa is an ancestral cereal that has a great flavor and contains a high amount of proteins of great biological value, but this rich cereal also contains magnesium. In a cup of cinnamon, you can find 118 mg of magnesium.

15. Almonds
Almonds are a healthy appetizer that, in addition to having a high content of vitamin E, is rich in magnesium. One ounce of this food provides 20% of the recommended daily amount of magnesium, ie 80 mg.

16. Tofu
Tofu is a protein-rich food and one of the best alternatives for people who do not want to eat meat or fish. Half a cup of this product contains 37 mg of magnesium.

17. Dark chocolate
Cocoa is a great source of magnesium. Therefore, you should not feel guilty if you decide to eat a piece of dark chocolate. In addition to its rich flavor, a black chocolate bar without sugar gives you 28 mg of magnesium, that is, 7% of the recommended daily amount. 

18. Legumes
Legumes represent another food belonging to this list. Indispensable in a healthy and balanced diet, legumes represent an important source of magnesium. Lentils, beans or chickpeas should be fixed foods in all households at least once a week. Other properties and benefits that stand out of the legumes are their contributions to fiber and in essential amino acids.

19. Figs
They can be taken both fresh and dried, and are also a good source of fiber. Although it is advisable not to eat too many at once. Beyond its excellent nutritional properties, it is a fruit that contains a considerable amount of calories. It contains many natural sugars of the fruit.

20. Pistachio 
Similar to the nut in its contribution of magnesium, with 120 mg of magnesium per 100 grams. Pistachio is a dried fruit very rich in flavor, so its use in cooking is frequent.

As you can see, if we introduce in our diet a variety of these foods, the daily amount of magnesium is assured. However, with a varied and balanced diet, it is not difficult to meet daily needs, so that supplementation can be ruled out, even in athletes, especially if we eat them frequently.

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