Serrapeptase: Benefits, Dosage, Uses, Dangers, and Side Effects
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Serrapeptase, also known as Serratia peptidase, is a proteolytic enzyme. This unusual enzyme
comes from serratia, a group of
bioactive bacteria that live inside silkworms. Serratia is essential for silkworm survival. After she weaves
a silk cocoon and begins to transform into a moth, she releases serratia bacteria from her bowels. Serratia produces Serrapeptase, an
enzyme that is eaten through protein. The Serrapeptase dissolves the silk
cocoon, opening it for the silk moth to emerge.
The dissolution properties of serrapeptase proteins can be
equally useful in the human body since they have many
benefits. Serrapeptase can be taken to help dissolve scar tissue, fight
inflammation, improve immune response and decrease pain. Read on for more
information on benefits, dosage, uses, dangers, interactions with other
serrapeptase medications, and more.
What is Serrapeptase?
Serrapeptase is an enzyme, a compound that influences the
body's reactions. Enzymes control the rate at which body processes
occur. For example, if you are lactose intolerant, it is because you do
not produce enough lactase enzyme. Lactase dramatically accelerates your
ability to digest milk sugar; without it, milk sugar breaks down very,
very slowly, and you encounter digestive problems. Enzymes are essential
for maximum performance.
"We all have an enzyme bank account in our bodies,"
explains Matt Gallant, an expert in enzyme biohacking. “In
everything from thinking to blinking, enzymes are involved. They are the
catalyst that stimulates chemical and biochemical reactions in the body. ”
Serrapeptase in particular causes proteins to break down much
faster. It degrades dense proteins that most other enzymes cannot
touch. An example is fibrin, a particularly hard protein that builds up in
scar tissue.
Benefits of serrapeptase
The benefits of serrapeptase come from its protein
dissolution properties. This makes it a versatile complement to your biohacking toolbox. Serrapeptase can be taken for several different reasons:
May heal pain
If you get injured, the serrapeptase can help you recover
faster. This enzyme decreases swelling after surgery and injuries and
accelerates tissue repair. It also decreases the pain. In fact, one study
showed that it reduced swelling by up to 50% after three days of treatment.
May reduce inflammation
Serrapeptase also decreases inflammation, possibly because it
dilutes fluids so they can drain more easily from inflamed areas and prevents
excessive protein accumulation. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties,
serrapeptase has shown benefits in people suffering from chronic
sinusitis. In these people, the mucus of the nostrils is denser and hyper segregates. This
density causes mucus to be removed less frequently. Researchers also found the effects of serrapeptase on elasticity
and viscosity of mucus in adult patients with chronic sinusitis. Serrapeptase
reduces the viscosity of the mucus, improving the elimination of bronchopulmonary
May heal cold
If you have a cold and your nose is blocked, the serrapeptase
can help you. This enzyme makes it easier for you to blow your nose when
you are sick because it breaks down the proteins in the mucus and thins the
mucus. One study showed that supplementation with these enzymes caused
significant decreases in the level of expression of certain Alzheimer related
genes in the brain.
May kill infections
Antibiotics cause massive damage to the intestine and
mitochondria. They should be the last resort to treat an
infection. But sometimes antibiotics are really the best course of action,
and at that time, serrapeptase benefits by making antibiotics more
effective. It weakens biofilms around antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which
makes them more susceptible to antibiotics that kill infections.
May reduce the scaring
Nowadays research suggests that high doses of serrapeptase
may have an effect on reducing scarring. Serrapeptase dissolves fibrin, a
particularly hard protein that constitutes scar tissue. This enzyme repairs
burn and trauma to the skin.
Although this is natural medicine, there is a dosage regimen
to follow to facilitate safe administration. The recommended dose for
serrapeptase is 10 to 30 mg per day. To help bronchitis, arthritis,
fibrocystic breast, cardiovascular problems and sinusitis, a daily dose of 20
mg is recommended. Serrapeptase should be taken on an empty stomach. If
the food has been consumed, it is recommended to wait approximately two hours
after eating. After taking serrapeptase, it is advisable to wait at least
30 minutes before eating.
How to use Serrapeptase
Serrapeptase is an enzyme derived from the intestines of
silkworms first used in Europe and Asia. Its use became more common in the
United States in the mid-1990s. The enzyme is believed to help relieve
inflammation and pain when taken several times a day. Serrapeptase targets
the dead material in the body that is scar tissue and fibroids and others. Fibroid
cells expand until the tumor turns into a gummy mass. Serrapeptase attacks
those masses, breaking down the cells that cause fibroids to grow.
1. Buy Serrapeptase from an herbal store or online
distributor. Look for a product that has 5 mg or 10 mg pills.
2. Take 10 mg in total each day, dividing the doses into
5 mg in the morning and 5 mg at night.
3. Take the serrapeptase on an empty stomach with 8
oz. of water and do not eat for at least 90 minutes after taking the
4. Observe your body at a dose of 10 mg. Be aware
of negative reactions, such as nausea or bruising. If you experience bad
side effects, stop taking the enzyme.
5. Increase your dose after at least one week by 10 mg
of serrapeptase. Increase the amount of daily dose to 20 mg, 10 mg to take
every morning and night. Continue to take the pills on an empty stomach
with 8 oz. of water.
6. Ask your doctor about how long you should continue
taking serrapeptase. The answer varies according to the health of an
individual and the nature of the fibroids.
Side effects
Although serrapeptase has many health benefits, there are
also some dangers, which should not be overlooked. Side effects may be
mild and barely noticeable and may disappear after a period of time. Below
are some of the negative effects that this enzyme causes in the body due to an
incorrect dosage.
- Some people may experience skin rashes as a result of an allergic reaction. It can also lead to swelling and itching in the area of the rash.
- In some cases, some of the potential dangers of serrapeptase maybe seen as signs of dermatitis due to allergic skin reactions.
- Pneumonitis can also affect some people who are allergic to this enzyme. This lung inflammation or mild lung disease can occur when the body does not accept this supplement.
- Body aches and mild limb pain are also some of the other common complaints related to an overdose. Hepatic dysfunction can also occur, in very rare cases.
Tips and warnings
- Always check with your doctor before starting an alternative treatment such as serrapeptase.
- Do not take serrapeptase if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult with your doctor. Also, be careful taking blood thinners or have stomach ulcers.
- Serrapeptase supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, so be careful before taking the enzyme.
Dangers and precautions
The serrapeptase breaks down the proteins in the mucus,
making breathing easier when you have a cold. It also dilutes the liquid
rich in white blood cells that accumulate around the wounds, facilitating its
drainage and facilitating inflammation.
The pattern is that serrapeptase makes thicker liquids
thinner. In the case of a cold or a persistently inflamed lesion, that's
great. That said, if you are already taking medications or supplements
that also dilute liquids, you should be careful when adding the serrapeptase to
the mixture. Pharmacological interactions with serrapeptase and supplement
interactions include:
Fish oil. Fish oil is a mild to the moderate
anticoagulant, just like serrapeptase. The two together can make the blood
too liquid. Fish oil and serrapeptase are not necessarily dangerous
together, but in some cases, they can be. Definitely talk to your doctor
about taking them together.
Aspirin. Aspirin is a more potent
anticoagulant. Do not take aspirin and serrapeptase together.
Clopidogrel, warfarin and other prescription
anticoagulants. Same as above: if you are taking any type of
anticoagulant, do not add serrapeptase.
In short: keep the serrapeptase and anything
that dilutes your blood separately. When the blood thins, you have trouble
clotting. Bleeding may get out of control and may develop bruising or
spontaneous nosebleeds. Keep in mind that these all are not medical
advice. Talk to a doctor if you have any questions or concerns about
taking serrapeptase.
Serrapeptase has many
benefits. It may reduce inflammation, prevent blood clots and heal pain and
others. But further study is needed to prove the long term effectiveness of serrapeptase.