What are the Dangers of Eating Canned Food?
Monday, October 7, 2019
Many foods on the market are packaged in cans, which is
considered completely normal and does not seem to pose dangers. However,
several investigations indicate that the material with which the cans are made
can generate a toxic compound that would harm our health. We tell you what
are the dangers of eating canned food.
The cans have a special coating made with bisphenol A resins.
It doesn't matter if you remember this name, what you should know is that it
accumulates in the body and its effects are not good at all.
A study done at Harvard University revealed that
people who consumed canned soups for five consecutive days had a large amount
of Bisphenol A in their urine. They were re-analyzed after 5 days without
consuming them and that substance was not detected.
Is Bisphenol A Toxic?
The bisphenol A (BPA) is of great interest to many
scientists. A publication of the Journal of the Medical Association
indicates that this compound is used to produce plastics, resins, and
cans. In a study published in the USA. UU. confirmed the
presence of high levels of BPA in infants and children.
Canada was the first country in the world to declare it a toxic substance and was followed by the European Union, where this component was banned to produce bottles. However, BPA resins are still used in other products, such as the coating of metal cans for food and beverages.
There is still not enough information to know for sure what
are all the harmful effects of the accumulation of bisphenol A in the body,
although animal tests have been alarming.
It is known, for example, that BPA is an endocrine
disruptor, that is, it can alter the functioning of the hormonal
system. It is linked to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and obesity.
So the problem is not so much the content (although you also
have to pay attention to it), but to the contact that food has with bisphenol
A. Scientists are trying their best to stop using BPA in cans and not
Market canned food.
The Dangers of Eating Canned Food
In addition to cans, BPA is present in plastic, even in
vacuum containers. The only wrappers or containers that are “saved” are
those made of glass or paper (have you thought about how the taste of a food
changes depending on where you store it?).
Synthetic chemicals used to pack, store and process food are
silent enemies. No one knows what you are taking or how it can affect your
health (or that of your family). Most of these compounds are not inert, so
they can be filtered into food without problems.
People who consume many canned foods may be affected by these
substances more easily. And it is worth remembering that they can cause
obesity, hormonal changes, heart problems, and diabetes.
It is true that not much is yet known about it, not even how
it affects the body. What is confirmed is that can contain toxic
substances such as formaldehyde, which has been found to be
carcinogenic. This substance is also found (although to a lesser
extent) in plastic bottles.
The Dangers of Tuna Cans
There is no doubt that it is one of the most popular canned
foods because of their versatility. However, due to the mercury of the cans
where it is packaged in tuna, this food loses all the benefits of fish (Omega 3
fatty acids and phosphorus).
Mercury is a metal with toxic effects on the nervous
system. In addition to being present in cans, it is also known to appear
in some marine species due to the water where they live.
It has been observed that this metal could increase the risk
of suffering myocardial infarction, neurosensory alterations, interference in
neurological development (in the case of the fetus), etc.
The Risks of Coating Aluminum Cans
The vast majority of cans that are used to store food and are
sold in the market have a plastic coating, also known as epoxy resin,
which is applied on the surface. This procedure is performed to prevent
food from reacting and its acids can erode the material.
The important thing seems to be that the cans last a
long time (to preserve the food), and that is why this coating is applied.
Cans Intoxication
The problem of canned food is not new, but there is evidence
of cases of intoxication, at least, since the nineteenth century. For
example, in the story of John Franklin's fateful
expedition through the Arctic, where many of the ship's crew died from
eating canned food.
Years later it was discovered that the cause was lead
poisoning, which was used to weld canned cans. While there is some myth in
this story and the procedures for storing food have changed, it is good to know
that the problem of canned poisoning is not something new.
It would be good to review the labels of canned food, and of
all in general, before buying them. Avoid those that contain preservatives
to extend the shelf life of the food. Sodium benzoate, benzoic acid or
citric acid are the most used. And don't be fooled by their
codes! They usually use a letter and three numbers (E-210, E-211, E-309,
etc.) to name them.
Another good idea is to opt for canned foods that do not
contain oils since the caloric intake will be higher. Better canned that
have water or be "natural", as they say commercially.
Heavy Metals
What happens to the heavy metals included in the
can? Many decades ago, eating in these containers was almost the same as
committing suicide.
The glue that was used to seal the cans was very dangerous
and caused many discomforts, sometimes even death. Fortunately, that does not
happen, although there are still people who distrust the metal used to canned
food. The containers today are controlled in detail.
Certain signs must also be taken into account before
buying or opening them:
- Oxidation at the edges or junction points
- Dents or strange curvatures on the lid
- Foam in the liquid inside
- Strange color or poor appearance of the content
- Strong smell
What is the Best Food Container?
If we were to make a scale between the most recommended
materials for storing or transporting the food we would first have to analyze
several factors.
For example, what kind of food will be placed inside, for how
long we will store it or where it will be stored. In the case of cooked legumes,
glass jars or vacuum-packed glass jars are recommended. In this
way, they contain less salt and additives.
The process of sterilization of the containers is similar to
what was done in the houses a few decades ago: boiling water and steam. In
addition, they can be reused and are environmentally friendly. There is no
perfect container, it depends on the type of food it contains.
As for plastic, it has the characteristics that it is cheap,
that it can take any shape and that it is thermally insulating. Among the
cons, we can highlight that the components can pass into food and alter the
taste. But above the price, we should look at the problem of the
overconsumption of this material for the environment during the last decades. We
talk about billions of tons.
It takes hundreds of years for plastic to decompose in the
environment, up to 1,000 years depending on the type of plastic. The World
Health Organization and UNEP (United Nations Environment Program) have jointly
stated that the disruption Endocrine (one of the effects of
plastic) is a global crisis.
Canned foods are not as healthy as natural foods. They possess
some danger to health. Finally, we have the best container that may have
ever been invented, the natural one! What does that mean? That, if
for example, we buy fruits, it would be perfect to go to the market and transport
them with their peel. This will keep all its properties and provide us
with nutrients!