Kombucha Tea: Benefits and Side Effects

Kombucha Tea: Benefits and Side Effects

Kombucha tea is a drink that is made from tea that has been fermented by a colony of bacteria and fungi. Numerous benefits are attributed to it, but also important to know the side effects with which it is related.

The microorganisms responsible for fermenting sugary tea to give rise to this drink are called "kombucha mushroom." Despite its many benefits, you should also know and prevent the side effects of Kombucha tea.
Kombucha Tea: Benefits and Side Effects

At the beginning of the fermentation process various types of microbes participate but, over the course of the days, only those that make up the characteristic jelly body of the Kombucha survive. The rest die due to the high degree of acidity and the antibiotic substances that have been secreted.

The flavor of Kombucha tea will depend on the fermentation time, so it will be softer and sweeter if it stays less time and will gradually acquire a more intense and acidic taste.

Nutritional Characteristics
The flavor of Kombucha tea will depend on the fermentation time, being softer if we leave it for a short time.
  • Rich in vitamins and minerals: necessary for important biochemical processes that take place in our body, such as vitamin B and C, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese.
  • A variable amount of antioxidants: Kombucha tea is made from black tea. The presence of them will depend on the fermentation time, because the higher the acidity, the fewer antioxidants.
  • High amount of microorganisms: which gives it a powerful probiotic effect.

Benefits of Kombucha Tea
The lack of studies regarding this drink does not allow us to affirm that the benefits that are traditionally attributed to it are true. However, the antioxidants and microorganisms present in it may be related to an improvement in digestive functions. It is also attributed to beneficial properties for cardiovascular health, liver functions, and stress.

Remember that this drink is made from tea, usually green or black, therefore, it will also report the characteristic benefits of it, such as:
  • Help concentration problems.
  • Diuretic effect.
  • Purifying action
  • Stimulating effect.
  • Astringent properties.

Kombucha Tea Side Effects
One of the concerns generated by the consumption of kombucha in some specialists is that some germs that cause diseases, such as Asperger, can also grow within the colony. The side effects are:

Kombucha Tea: Benefits and Side Effects

Contamination Risk
One of the risks of Kombucha tea is contamination by microorganisms derived from fermentation.

The biggest risks of Kombucha tea are related to the contagion with microorganisms, if it is not made following a series of specific hygienic measures:
  • During its fermentation, Kombucha tea can be exposed to numerous contamination of bacteria and yeasts harmful to our health. If we do not let it ferment long enough, the drink will not acquire the degree of acidity and alcohol necessary to eliminate these microorganisms.

  • Frequently, samples contaminated by Aspergillus mold are detected, which generates hepatotoxic toxins, as well as contamination by bacteria of the genus helicobacter pylori or Salmonella.  Therefore, this drink is not recommended for people suffering from any intestinal or hepatic condition.

  • Nor is it recommended for consumption in immune-compromised people or those with deficiencies in the functioning of the immune system. Pregnant women, nursing women, children under 5, patients with HIV or any infection should refrain from the intake of Kombucha tea.

Carcinogenic Effects
Among the adverse effects that have been documented is acidosis, toxicity by secondary metabolites generated by mycotoxin molds that may appear in crops; It can have carcinogenic effects.

Excess Consumption
Although we do not belong to any of the previous groups, we must consume it in moderation, because in excess it can cause digestive discomfort. It should also, be noted that it is a drink with a high content of alcohol and sugar, therefore the rest of the diet should be monitored to ensure that we do not exceed the maximum recommended levels for these substances.

Industrial Kombucha Tea
There is also industrially brewed Kombucha tea. In this case, the beverage is conveniently sterilized, but loses the probiotic effect, resulting in a beverage with low nutritional value.

In summary, this drink can be beneficial if its consumption is not exceeded, but its intake does not guarantee any short-term or long-term benefits beyond those referred by the tea itself. There are those who believe that tea intake is more beneficial, as it does not have alcohol or microorganisms that can generate intolerance.

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