Numbness: Causes and Home Remedies

Numbness: Causes and Home Remedies

The numbness in different body parts is a series of abnormal sensations that in addition to generating discomfort, it is also a cause for concern. Since we do not know the reason behind this. It can also indicate more serious ailments. In this article, we will tell you some causes and home remedies of numbness.
Numbness: Causes and Home Remedies

Although numbness usually occurs in various parts of the body, it is most often felt in the arms, legs, hands or feet. At first we can ignore it, but when it feels frequently and without a specific reason, it maybe indicating that something is not working well in our body, being a symptom of a disease.

Tingling or numbness may be the symptom of a mild infection, but it may also indicate that we are suffering from a more serious illness, for this reason, it is important to see a doctor if you feel a frequent tingling sensation. 

What are Numbness and Tingling? 
Both are abnormal sensations and can occur anywhere in the body. However, they are most often experienced in the legs, arms, and fingers, both of the feet and hands. Below we mention some of the frequent diseases that are associated with the numbness of the arms and legs.

Causes of Numbness

1. Hypoesthesia
Numbness may be one of the symptoms of so-called hypoesthesia, a loss of sensation, accompanied by this annoying sensation. If you have these two symptoms you should see a doctor because it could be a symptom of something more serious.

2. Circulatory problem
When the person has circulatory problems, he or she may feel tingling sensations sporadically. You may also have these sensations if you are suffering from fatigue or nervous exhaustion. If the tingling problem increases and becomes constant, it could indicate something more serious.

Buerger's disease is associated with the consumption of snuff; it is initially caused by pain caused by a lack of blood flow, called claudication, in the hands or feet. The person feels a constant tingling and numbness in the hands, followed by the fingers or toes. This case is quite delicate since not being treated can lead to gangrene.

3. Diabetes
Diabetes is one of the most common diseases today, which occurs when blood sugar levels rise.

Numbness is a typical symptom of this disease, since there may be insufficient blood flow that can subsequently make the person feel that annoying tingling sensation in their legs and feet. This symptom may be indicating ulcers, which should be treated in time to prevent gangrene formation.

4. Multiple sclerosis
Numbness and tingling of the arms and legs are one of the first symptoms that occur in those who suffer from multiple sclerosis. This disease may also include burning sensation and increased sensitivity. These types of sensations are produced by insufficient blood flow in these affected areas and problems in the nervous system.

5. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy or AIDP  is one of those rare and quite rare diseases, which prevents the nerves from sending signals to the muscles in the body. Numbness is a symptom of this disease, usually occurring in the feet and legs, although as time passes it also spreads through the arms and hands.

6. Restless Leg Syndrome
Tingling in the extremities that many usually feel at night may also be associated with the disorder called restless legs syndrome. It is one of its common symptoms, although it is not the only one.

The sufferer may also feel pain, cramps, and itching, accompanied by insomnia problems because they usually get worse at night. This syndrome may be caused by anemia, renal failure or peripheral neuropathies, although an exact cause is unknown.

Other causes of numbness in the arms and legs are:
  • Sitting or standing in the same position for a long time.
  • Injury to a nerve.
  • Pressure on the spinal nerves, as a result of a herniated disc.
  • Having abnormal levels of calcium, potassium or sodium in the body.
  • Lack of vitamins, especially vitamin B12.
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages and tobacco, since lead causes nerve damage.
  • Animal bites.
  • Insect bites, ticks, mites, and spiders.
  • Use of certain medications.

Home Remedies for Numbness

Water is one of the best natural allies to "wake up" our legs or hands if they fall asleep or enter.

What you should do is immerse the affected part in a container with cold water for about ten minutes or until the tingling sensation disappears. Many people choose to move the numb member vigorously. Other options are:

1. Walk
Take a walk around the room when the numbness begins, if it occurs in the lower limbs.

Numbness: Causes and Home Remedies

You will have to endure for a moment the spasms that occur in the leg, but it is a fairly effective action, especially if you have been sitting for a long time.

2. Get on tiptoes
Another alternative for when your leg falls asleep is to put your foot on the tip as do the dancers and descend to the heels.

Repeat this 10 times. It will help you trigger your blood circulation of the lower limbs. If you usually suffer enough of tingling, perform this exercise every day before bedtime, even if you are not going through a numbness box.

3. Eat foods with iron
As indicated above, the deficit of this nutrient may be causing tingling in your legs. The lentils and beets can help reduce the picture. It is also good that you add eggs, milk, nuts, peas, beans and green leafy vegetables, such as spinach or chard, to your daily diet.

The lack of iron significantly reduces the production of hemoglobin, which is responsible for giving the red pigment to the blood and transporting oxygen in it. Which results in poor circulation and the presence of these uncomfortable sensations.

4. Make a poultice with hot peppers
This can help you reverse the situation. You need a dozen red peppers. Heat them over high heat. Then you have to crush them. Place on a soft cloth and mash them. You should apply that resulting paste on the area affected by numbness.

The heat of the peppers will reduce pain and discomfort.  This is because it has anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant properties and helps prevent pain. If you usually suffer this problem very often, you can have the ointment ready and heat it for a minute.

5. Lead a healthy life
Do not smoke. Exercise, such as swimming, practice relaxation (yoga, for example) to reduce tension. Avoid being in the same position for a long time, either standing or sitting and avoid wearing tight clothes or synthetic materials that do not allow proper blood circulation.

These recommendations are linked to the fact that bad habits such as cigarettes, alcohol and sedentary lifestyle, have long-term consequences, mostly diseases that affect circulation and this is the main cause of the numbness.

6. Massages and posture changes
When you start to feel numb, a good idea is to perform massage or vigorous friction in the affected area. This can be done every night even if the member has not fallen asleep.

Another good idea is to change the position. If you are sitting, get up, if you are lying down, sit down, if you are standing, lie down, etc. If your legs or arms fall asleep while you sleep, it may be because you spent many hours in the same posture without moving.

7. Wear appropriate shoes
It is recommended that the socks you use are always made of cotton, to absorb moisture and also prevent the symptoms of numbness.

The footwear insole can be curved or with a pad in the arch of the floor so that you have more comfort when supporting the foot. Try not to wear heels or shoes that do not fit while walking, that is, try to ensure that they have enough grip.

8. Exercise against the wall or with a ball
If your legs have fallen asleep during the day, at work or during an outing, when you get home to take off your shoes and, with clean socks, stand next to the wall. Support your fingers and exert a slight forward pressure, flexing your knee slightly. Hold with your hands on the wall.

You can also take a rubber ball with the palm of your hand and exert pressure as hard as you can. There are accessories for special materials for this purpose. You can also do the same by pressing the ball with your bare feet against the ground.

The sum of all these remedies will allow the abnormal sensations of numbness to disappear progressively. In most cases, it is a short-term sensation caused by pressure on a nerve and the tingling sensation decreases in a few minutes. However, there is a possibility that it is experienced continuously, which may indicate that neurological or vascular disease is suffered. In this case, you must visit a doctor.

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