How to Preserve Food without Refrigerator

How to Preserve Food without Refrigerator

How did our ancestors preserve food? What ingredients do not withstand the cold of the refrigerators? Learn more about how to preserve food without a refrigerator.

How to Preserve Food without Refrigerator

Many foods no longer require refrigeration as they overflow with conservatives with doubtful consequences for our health. However, natural foods and those whose production or processing do not include bizarre doses of preservatives require careful preservation to keep them long enough for us to consume them. 

Fortunately, a refrigerator is not the only method to achieve the above. Either because you do not have enough space in it, because it broke down or simply because you chose to live without one of these devices. There are ways to extend the life of your food in a completely natural way, without requiring electricity or harmful food. Surely you use the refrigerator to improve food preservation, but do you know other tricks to preserve them?

Preserve food without a refrigerator
We are going to show you different simple techniques to preserve your food well without having a refrigerator.

1. Drying 
As a general rule, both bacteria and mold and some fungi grow and reproduce in humid environments. If we dry the food, we will prevent its decomposition. To perform this technique it is advisable to have a dehydrator or a low-temperature oven. The fruits are preserved very well dehydrated and just by rehydrating with water for a few hours they get back to their original state.

How to Preserve Food without Refrigerator

You can also dry it in the sun. This is probably the most famous technique to dehydrate any food. Formerly it was mainly used for fruits.

2. Fermentation
This method consists of only allowing the proliferation of beneficial bacteria. For this, the use of brine is essential, which allows controlled fermentation.

With this technique, we manage to conserve food, thanks to the creation of bacteria harmless to humans, which prevents the proliferation of bad ones. It is done by producing a brine, with which you get a controlled fermentation of the bacteria you want to achieve. Does the famous sauerkraut sound? It is nothing more than fermented cabbages.

3. Salt
It is a product used for the conservation of meat and fish for many years. It is proven that a saline concentration greater than ten percent is more than enough to preserve food. With salt, we create an environment in which microorganisms cannot survive, keeping bacteria away. 
How to Preserve Food without Refrigerator

Coarse sea salt is ideal, but you can also use common salt in an amount that completely covers the piece of protein. Before cooking, you can soak it in water for a few minutes to remove excess salt. 

4. Sealed containers
Storing your food in tightly sealed containers significantly slows the decomposition process. It seems too simple, but the truth is that it is one of the most effective methods. 

5. Vinegar
Vinegar acid helps conserve and prevent the growth of bacteria. With this, they were made canned and pickled.

6. Brine
This mixture of water, salt and spices were frequently used to preserve meat, fish, and olives. This helped to preserve food for longer and reduced the growth of bacteria.

7. Honey 
The food was covered with honey and allowed to dry completely. It was done in the winter season and was implemented in meats, fruit, and legumes. Honey made a shell that prevented food from breaking down.

8. Freeze everything you can
Not only meats washed and cut vegetables can also be frozen. In general, almost all vegetables and fruits can be frozen. The first step is to peel them, remove the damaged parts and wash them with plenty of water, several times, and dry them very well.

The most practical way to freeze them is to cut into small pieces and into individual bags or containers with small potions. In many cases, it is a good option to cook them in sauces or concentrates. It is recommended to let them cool before packing and storing.

9. Food out of the fridge
There are foods whose taste, smell, color and even texture are modified with the cold, so it is preferable to avoid their preservation in the refrigerator. Let's see some examples:

How to Preserve Food without Refrigerator

Fruits and vegetables. Tropical fruits and vegetables such as avocado, pineapple, bananas or mangoes are susceptible to cold. With low temperatures, their tissues are affected. They get dark and hard. Other fruits and vegetables such as zucchini, eggplant, peaches or nectarines also tend to suffer from the cold. Of course, if it is very hot it is preferable to keep in a refrigerator for your safety.

Onion, potato, and garlic. Both onion and garlic are oxidized with cold. Potatoes increase their sugar levels in the refrigerator, which in turn can cause an increase in a product called acrylamide, which is harmful when potatoes are fried or baked at high temperatures.

Chocolate and bread. Chocolate is not stored in the refrigerator unless it has a dairy filling. Loses aroma, texture, and flavor. The bread accelerates its dehydration with the cold, so it gets hard.

Butter and eggs. Butter does not behave like a dairy, as it contains a lot of fat. It does not necessarily have to be in the refrigerator, because it is not prone to the development of microbes. However, the heat does not suit him either. Eggs, contrary to what many people think do not need cold, it is only necessary that we control their preferred consumption date.

keep your food fresh longer...watch the video 

These are the simple tips on how to preserve food without a refrigerator. These recommendations are a palliative to be able to cross the adverse circumstances in the best way. Refrigerators did not always exist and yet, from the beginning of time food is preserved. 

So you know, if the light ever goes out, don't panic. Conservation is possible without refrigeration.

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