Smoking after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Smoking after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Can I smoke after wisdom tooth extraction? Can this have consequences on my health? The dentist provides all the necessary indications so that the healing process is much better after the extraction of the wisdom tooth, therefore, we recommend you continue reading this article.
Smoking after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The wisdom tooth or third molar is a problem for most people since our mouths simply don't have enough space to make their way.

The fact that a tooth does not leave the gums correctly due to lack of space is known as "impaction". A tooth can be completely impacted - completely covered by the gum - or partially impacted - when only part of the tooth has left.

Why the wisdom tooth is extracted?
If a wisdom tooth is pushing the neighboring tooth, it can cause pain and even harm the healthy tooth. In this case, it would be best to extract the third molar.

Another common reason why wisdom teeth should be extracted is tooth decay or dental decay. As these molars are at the bottom of the mouth, they are generally difficult to clean. This means that they are more susceptible to infections. Even if tooth decay does not cause any pain, it is very likely to spread to the neighboring tooth if the third molar remains in position.

Smoking after Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Not everyone has the pack of the 4 wisdom teeth. Some lucky ones have none. But if you have one or more of your third molars, the possibility of presenting complications at some time in your life is quite high.

The upper wisdom teeth are usually easier to extract than the lower ones. The reason? Its roots sometimes merge, creating a smaller surface and a softer shape. Similarly, the superiors usually have three roots while the inferior ones only have two.

Can I smoke if I have a wisdom tooth extracted?
Within the effects of smoking in relation to the healing of a wound, it is important to know that tobacco indirectly prevents fibrinolytic activity, thus delaying the healing of wounds.

Although some dentists comment that you can smoke 48 hours after dental extraction, in the case that the extraction is from the wisdom tooth, that is, from one of the cords, this time should be extended. Being a surgical intervention, the healing process is much more complex and medically this follows a certain process:
  • An inflammatory process is triggered.
  • The clot forms.
  • Tissue with high fibroblast content is formed that tends to revascularize on the surface.
In this sense, it can be said that nicotine has specific effects on the healing of the periodontal area:
  • It affects micro-irrigation: increasing bleeding.
  • It affects fibroblasts: decreasing their proliferation.
  • It affects the connective tissue and bone: interfering in the production and fixation to the cell surface.
  • It affects the root surface: avoiding cell adhesion.

What complications can cause smoking?
The danger of smoking is due to the chemical composition of tobacco products. Cigarette smoke irritates an open wound that remains in the place of the extracted tooth. And this is how it can affect the process after a tooth extraction operation.
  • Tobacco smoke can cause bleeding and increase pain after surgery. In addition, cigarettes contain tar and other chemical agents that slow wound healing. It is for this reason that doctors recommend not eating, drinking or smoking for at least two hours after tooth extraction. If you follow this simple rule, you can avoid serious complications. It is especially important to refrain from smoking until the bleeding has completely stopped. With poor blood clotting or a difficult wound removal procedure, you may bleed for more than two hours.
  • A dry hole at the disposal site may also form due to smoking. Normally, a blood clot remains in the well. But smoking can cause it to fall out of the mouth and then the wound will remain unprotected since a blood clot is a type of barrier that prevents infection. By losing that protection, the surface of the wound becomes vulnerable and threatens inflammation. For example, alveolitis develops very often after tooth removal.
  • If tooth extraction was difficult and the doctor had to sew, you should forget about smoking for several days (from 2 to 10). This is a necessary measure that must be followed. Only after the wound has healed completely can smoking be resumed.
  • Especially strictly necessary to observe all precautions after removing the wisdom tooth. Most of the time, the elimination of the eight is accompanied by problems, and the healing process takes longer than usual. Therefore, patients who smoke should definitely discuss this issue with the dentist and remember their behavior recommendations after the operation.

"Smoking after wisdom tooth extraction FAQ"

1. When can I start smoking after wisdom tooth extraction?

Ans: Wait at least 48 hours after wisdom tooth extraction.

2. Can I smoke after tooth extraction with gauze?

Ans: Yes, but after 72 hours.

3. Risk of smoking after wisdom tooth extraction?

Ans: Smoking will delay the healing process, can cause a lot of pain, risk of getting an infection and the fast inhalation of smoking can dislodge your blood clot.

4. Can I smoke after 24 hours of tooth extraction?

Ans: No, you have to wait at least 48 hours. Better you should ask your dentist.

5. Drinking and smoking after wisdom tooth extraction?

Ans: You can drink water after 2 hours of extraction. Better to use a straw. Smoke after 2 to 10 days depending on the surgery.

6. How long to wait before smoking after wisdom teeth removal?

Ans: Wait at least 48 hours.

7. Can I Smoke cigarettes before wisdom teeth removal?

Ans: No smoking at least 12 hours before surgery.

8. Effects of smoking after wisdom teeth removal?

Ans: Smoking can cause inflammation and serious pain can dislodge your blood clot. These all are scary problems. So avoid smoking. 

If you strictly follow the advice provided by the dentist, the healing process will take place without problems and without complications. After all, for your own health, you can postpone smoking for several days. Of course, heavy smokers are the most difficult to motivate in adhering to a healthy lifestyle. 

But in the end, when it comes to their own health, everyone must rethink the fundamental values ​​of life. Perhaps by making the right decision one day, you can permanently get rid of nicotine addiction.

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