Aloe Vera for Constipation

Aloe Vera for Constipation

Consuming aloe vera for constipation is a quite effective natural way to fight all the symptoms caused by this gastrointestinal disorder. Thus, you will be able to relieve the annoying abdominal pains, reduce belly swelling and say goodbye to the feeling of heaviness.
Aloe Vera for Constipation

Constipation is an annoying problem that affects many people. It can damage the quality of life, is caused by the lack of regular movement of the intestines, resulting in greater difficulties to defecate, is usually less frequent and with greater effort and even sometimes it can hurt us.

Aloe vera also called "miraculous plant", is beneficial for the treatment of many diseases, is also ideal for improving various gastric conditions among which is the problem of intestinal transit Slow and difficulty evacuation. If you want to know more and discover how to take aloe vera for constipation, continue reading this article.

Properties of Aloe Vera for Constipation
Constipation is a fairly common digestive disorder that occurs when there is difficulty in the evacuation of feces, a situation that is very uncomfortable and can end up causing various symptoms such as loss of appetite, rectal discomfort, flatulence, inflammation or abdominal pains.

Generally, its main cause is usually the lack of significant fiber in the daily diet, since the lack of this nutrient causes alterations in intestinal transit and, therefore, gastrointestinal problems such as constipation.

Aloe Vera for Constipation

However, it can also be the product of pregnancy, the taking of certain medications, stress, sedentary lifestyle, dehydration or the simple fact of delaying the time to go to the bathroom when there is a desire to evacuate, in addition to other diseases, cancer of colon, irritable bowel syndrome, hypothyroidism, Parkinson's, diabetes, etc.

Thus, among the most common natural remedies to combat constipation, aloe vera stands out, since it is a very beneficial plant to treat different digestive disorders due to their incredible and effective properties.
  • It has slight laxative and purgative properties that help the intestine to evacuate more easily.
  • It cleanses the intestinal tract and leaves it free of fecal matter and accumulated toxins.
  • It stimulates the digestive glands, which greatly improves both the functioning of the stomach and other vital organs (gallbladder, liver, kidneys).
  • It favors the balance of intestinal flora by restoring the amount of those bacteria that are healthy.
  • Improves and regulates intestinal transit.
  • Promotes bowel movements.

How to Prepare Aloe Vera for Constipation
Aloe Vera for Constipation
  • To prepare aloe vera, the first thing is to rinse the plant very well with cold water and cut it, using a sharp tool.
  • After that, you have to get rid of your spiny parts. Then, the transparent gel is extracted, which is the one that contains the laxative properties to put it in the blender. The gel must be processed once it is removed because when making contact with the air it tends to harden quickly.
  • If we want to improve the drink, we can add some citrus juice to the blender: lemon, grapefruit or orange. 
  • This mixture should be stored well in the refrigerator to keep its properties intact, at most, for a week. However, the preparation is more concentrated on the first two or three days.

How to take it
  • After preparing the aloe vera, we can take three to five tablespoons daily of that aloe juice, preferably on an empty stomach so that it does not mix with freshly consumed food or drinks.
  • The mixture can be taken diluted in a glass of water, or if preferred, it can be mixed with any fruit juice. Depending on the case, if it is presented chronically, aloe vera can be consumed daily in different doses without abuse, because everything in excess brings with it side effects.
  • It is worth mentioning that this remedy is not suitable for pregnant women, people with diabetes or thyroid or kidney disease, in these cases you can only choose to maintain a diet rich in fiber and vitamins.

Aloe Vera Capsules
Another way to take aloe vera to relieve constipation is through the consumption of aloe vera capsules or pills that can be purchased at pharmacies or stores specializing in the sale of natural products.

In this case, you will have to take 1 tablet a day before the meal accompanied by a good glass of water. Read the package leaflet or drug container carefully and respect the dose indicated at all times.

Tips to avoid constipation
When presenting symptoms of constipation, among them the presence of flatulence (gas) and abdominal pain, it is very important to go to the family doctor or a specialist to review the case and diagnose it properly, especially if it is usual to suffer this problem.

In addition to this, several studies recommend drinking lots of water and modifying the diet. It is advisable to modify eating habits, for example, to increase the intake of fiber-rich foods. In this way, digestion will be lighter and feces will remain less time in the intestine.

But you can still do more. For example, doing some exercise helps regulate intestinal transit. As it does also take measures to improve metabolism.

Contraindications of aloe vera
Although aloe vera can help fight constipation and improve intestinal transit, you should know that its consumption is discouraged in certain cases:
  • People with liver or vesicular diseases.
  • People who are taking corticosteroids.
  • People with irritable bowel syndrome, colitis or Crohn's disease.
  • Children under 12 years.
  • Women are pregnant or lactating.
  • If you have any doubt, it is best to consult a doctor to make sure that taking aloe does not pose any danger to your health.

In short, although aloe vera for constipation is not the definitive solution for this annoying condition, it can help us minimize its effects. Aloe vera is a plant with a multitude of beneficial properties for our health. But its correct preparation and conservation are important and necessary to serve us in the best way when taking it.

This simple natural remedy will help us regulate the body, improve intestinal transit and control annoying constipation. Are you going to try it?

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