Running Daily for Weight Loss
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
There are many
benefits of running but it is considered one of the best activities for fat
burning. It is the key to losing weight fast. Most of the runners start
running to lose weight. And also take advantage of all benefits that running brings to physical and mental health
and well-being. The benefits of running help tone muscles, improve fitness
and physical appearance and bring great benefits to the cardiovascular system.
Running regularly helps you lose weight fast and reduces the
likelihood of developing serious health problems.
Running regularly reduces the risk of getting breast cancer,
suffering a stroke, delays the early stages of osteoporosis, improves
hypertension, avoids great psychological stress and helps you lose weight fast.
Can I Lose Weight Running?
Yes. If you eat properly and go running at least 3 times a
week, you can lose weight by running. It is usually one of the most
feasible alternatives because in addition to burning calories, it is cheap
(does not require a large economic investment of material), it can be done
outdoors and allows you the time flexibility you need.
Start Running with the Goal of Weight Loss
To lose weight you have to follow a balanced diet, where you
do not eat more calories than you burn, and combine this with exercise. If you
are considering starting to run to lose weight, this may be a good
Sweat does not lose
weight. You
will lose liquid temporarily and the heat will only make you tired much
more. So do not try to cause sweating or go running the hottest
hours. After training, drink water and avoid, for now, isotonic drinks.
You will need to rest. Try not to run every day and if
you do it, spend less time or less intensity. Your body is not used to so
much exercise and you should go little by little. Don't forget to warm up
and stretch before and after running.
Do not make too many
kilometers. At
first, try not to run more than 20 minutes in a row. Go slowly increasing
2 or 3 minutes a day every time you go out or alternate walking and
running. If you find yourself with the strength to run more, do it twice a
day but don't run too many kilometers at once.
Control the intensity. In the same way that you should
not exceed the kilometers, apply the same to the rhythm. Run at a
comfortable pace at the beginning and when you have been running for a couple
of months, the intensity of your workouts will increase.
Do not stop eating. You will need fuel for the
effort you are going to make. Eat a balanced diet, make 5 meals a day and
avoid fat intake. If you need the help of a nutritionist, you can use a
personalized diet.
How to Run to Lose Weight
To burn calories by running and lose weight effectively we must
know and take into account the training zones according to the heart rate.
The training zones refer to the percentage of
maximum heart rate (MHR) and in each of these areas our body undergoes
some effects or others. Let's meet them:
Restful Cardiac Zone: the pulsations we have when our body
is in a state of rest.
Cardiac Safety Zone
(50-60%): soft work
for beginners, warm-up or training after a period of inactivity.
Weight Control or
Recovery Zone (60-70%): it is the typical work we do when we are jogging and it is the ideal
weight loss. The aerobic condition and oxygenation of the muscles
Aerobic Threshold Zone
(70-80%): the
cardiovascular system and aerobic capacity are developed. Ideal as
preparatory training for competitions.
Anaerobic Threshold
Zone (80-90%):
anaerobic capacity is developed. Use of glycogen stored in the muscles as
the main fuel.
Danger Zone (90-100%): the maximum effort that our body can
tolerate with a maximum oxygen restriction. Only for expert professionals.
The ' fat burning area' that interests us to lose
weight running, would be the one that is between 60% and 70% of our
FCM. It is a strip in which our body uses the fat it accumulates as
fuel. There are many ways to calculate it, one of them is (FCM = 220
- age in boys; 226 - age in girls).
So the important thing is not to run more kilometers or run
faster. You should go jogging 3 to 5 days a week and stay within that
training zone. Try not to raise or lower the keystrokes for at least 20-40
minutes per session. You can use a heart rate monitor to check your
training zone although, if you don't have it yet, it will be enough for you to
jog and be able to talk while running.
How much time do you have to run to lose weight?
According to experts, to lose weight and notice results we
must go running 3 or 5 times a week. The most advisable thing would be to
run at a slow pace for about 20-40 minutes within the FCM Weight Control zone
If you just started, go jogging 3 times a week for 20 minutes
to get used to your body to exercise. Little by little you should increase
the frequency of the sessions and their duration.
If we run following this premise, we will get into the 'fat
burning zone' or 'lipolysis zone' where the body uses fat as the main
fuel. Remember that the important thing is not speeding or intensity, but to
run while staying within that weight control zone.
Is it effective to run on an empty stomach to lose weight?
This is a subject that always causes a lot of controversy and
according to the expert or study, you consult you will receive a position in
favor or against this practice.
First, we must know that fasting refers to training done
after 8 hours (at least) without eating food. Normally, it usually occurs
when we wake up in the morning and go jogging without breakfast.
The theory is based on the fact that, as glycogen levels have
decreased during the night when exercising our body will not have
carbohydrates to use and will obtain energy directly from fat. But we must
bear in mind that, depending on the subject's metabolism, this may work or not.
My advice is that you always eat something before going for a
run, especially if you are not an expert runner. Training on an empty
stomach is not proven to help you consume more calories running at a
moderate intensity. We will always perform more if we are well fed and
avoid nausea or dizziness if our brain has glucose.
Is it better to walk or run to lose weight?
It depends. Both options can help us lose weight and are
healthy for our body but we must assess the advantages of each alternative.
If we want to lose weight walking we must bear in mind that
we are not referring to quiet walks. When we talk about walking I mean
what we know as 'power walking', that is, to walk at an energetic and fast
pace. According to experts, our maximum frequency should be around 60% of
our heart rate to talk about an effective walk.
If you are a sedentary person, with diabetes, overweight or obesity and arterial, muscular or skeletal
problems, walking is a very good alternative for you. Think that running
involves more effort for the joints. Therefore, depending on the person,
his physical state and his state of form, one thing or another is better.
A sporty and physically fit person will usually choose to run
to lose weight. More calories will always be burned running, as when
exercising more intensity, more calories are burned and after training more
calories are burned until the body returns to its basal metabolic rate.
Taking into account the advantages of each option you can decide
which one is best for you. But if you decide to go for a walk, remember
that you will lose weight if you spend at least 3 or 4 days a week in sessions
of about 40 minutes.
Running Plan
- 10 minutes of running + stretching
- 10 minutes of active walking progressively accelerated.
- 5 x 5 minutes of running at a moderate pace (having no problem breathing is a good guide) with 1 minute of recovery.
- 15 minutes of active walking. Stretching.
Repeat this 3 to 4 days a week. After one month change the
style or run more or less according to your need. You will see result
Other benefits of running
The benefits of running daily for our well-being are well
known. Whether in a gym or outside, running can be a good way to maintain
your body. The benefits and advantages of running on our body are both
physical and mental. Some of these benefits are mentioned below.
1. Burn calories
Running is one of the simplest ways to burn excess
body fat. Fitness instructors around the world put great emphasis on
smooth and steady running, this not only works for people who want to lose
weight, but also for those who want to keep fit.
2. Improves brain activity
Running reduces the risk of heart attacks. During the
fastest exercise, the arteries and veins contract and expand more frequently,
which increases their elasticity. This helps in the regulation of normal
blood flow and prevents diseases such as high blood pressure.
For example, before making personal or work decisions, we
recommend a few minutes of outdoor exercise. You will see how you can
analyze situations better!
3. Strengthens cardiovascular health
Running every day (or several times a week) allows us to
enjoy cardiovascular health in
excellent conditions. This is because during the exercise the heart
must pump more blood and the lungs consume as much oxygen as
possible. This is what subsequently allows us to have more resistance to
any activity we do.
4. Prevents cancer
According to some studies, another of the benefits of running
daily for health is related to a reduction in the onset of cancer,
especially lung, colon, prostate and breast. This is because of the exercise
allows the development of new benign cells and prevents the body from producing
malignant cells.
In turn, it is proven that those cancer patients who run or
jog outdoors are more likely to survive and heal. Treatments are more
effective in people who exercise or exercise regularly.
5. Strengthens the joints
Until a while ago it was believed that running -
among other exercises - was harmful in those who suffered from arthritis or
certain conditions at the joint level. However, today it is known that
this discipline has very good effects as it strengthens the area and prevents
inflammation and pain.
6. Reduces the risk of osteoporosis
This disease that affects the bones is suffered by millions
of people around the world, mainly over 45 years and women. While it is
related to calcium consumption and over time, it is also true that exercise can
help reduce the problem.
Running is an excellent option to increase the mineral
density in the bones, especially the legs and hips, the main 'involved' during
the routine.
7. Lower stress levels
Running daily also helps lower stress levels. In today's
highly competitive world, stress is something we all experience in our personal
or professional life. Daily running can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Running brings great benefits to people suffering from
depression. While we run, our body produces hormones known as
endorphins. These help to regulate the mood, so that the person feels
8. Improves skin health
Another benefit of running daily for health is related to how
your skin will look after
exercising. We recommend that you wear a good protection factor
and sunglasses to avoid redness or premature aging of the
dermis. In this way, running can help make people look
younger. Researchers believe that running unlocks the stem cells of the muscles,
which helps to slow down the aging process.
Running: Constancy is the Key
As you can see, you can lose weight by running whenever you
have an adequate diet and take into account the advice we have given you in
this article.
You will not lose 10 kilos in a week, there is no miracle
diets nor is it good for your body to lose a lot of weight in such a short
Get the idea that the key to losing weight is going to be
constancy, so focus on maintaining that motivation that will make you run, the
improvement of your health or that those pants that you like so much are good
for you.