Sweet Potato Diet plan
Friday, August 23, 2019
The sweet potato is an ideal superfood focused on weight loss. The sweet
potato is a very healthy source of carbohydrates
and beneficial to the diet. So it is consumed by those who want
to lose weight.
In addition, sweet potatoes are rich in fiber, calcium, potassium and vitamin A. Also
rich in important nutrients for maintaining intestinal health and strengthening
the immune system. These vegetables also have a low glycemic index, which keeps
blood glucose stable, prevents the fat formation and decreases hunger and controls
problems such as diabetes.
Among the advantages of sweet potatoes is its large amount of
resistant starch, an insoluble fiber that is not digested by the body. And this
slows down the absorption of fat and glucose.
3 Reasons to Consume Sweet Potatoes
There are many reasons to consume sweet potatoes. But the
main 3 are:
Promotes weight loss: sweet potatoes are a healthy
source of carbohydrates. A medium sweet potato contains only about 113
calories, 2 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber. The consumption of this
healthy root tuber as part of a balanced diet is ideal to stay satisfied for a
long time and with fewer calories. Reasons that make this food a great
ally for weight loss and body fat.
A carbohydrate with a
high concentration of nutrients: by consuming sweet potatoes the body receives much more
than just carbohydrates. This tuber contains a dense concentration of
nutrients, including:
Vitamin A (377% DV)
Manganese (17% DV)
Vitamin B6 (14% CEO)
Potassium (13% DV)
Copper (10% DV)
Pantothenic Acid (10% DV)
Vitamin C (5% DV)
All these nutrients play an important role in the body,
providing strengthening of the immune system, and improving the health of the
skin and bones. They can also contribute to the improvement of blood
pressure and the proper functioning of metabolism. It can also reduce
inflammation and reduce the risks of diseases associated with weight gain.
High content of
Beta- carotene, or pro-vitamin A that converts to vitamin A, is ideal for
maintaining stable blood sugar levels and reducing insulin resistance, which
promotes weight loss. Sweet potatoes are an important source of beta-carotene,
an antioxidant conducive to good eye health and the immune system. So
eating sweet potatoes helps maintain healthy ranges of vitamin A in the
blood. Beta carotene is responsible for the orange color inside the sweet
potato, so the more intense the color, the more antioxidant benefits the tuber
Why does it help you lose weight?
The sweet potato diet is based mainly on the
potential of this food to bring satiety and improve some digestive
processes. It helps you lose weight because:
Low Calories Sweet potatoes contain 10% of your
daily calories in a moderate weight loss plan of 1,600 calories per day. A
medium-sized unit contains about 160 calories, however, it is quite
large. In fact, the medium-sized sweet potato is about 5 inches long and
about 2 inches in diameter. Eating low-calorie foods helps you lose
weight, especially in the basic calculation of any diet, which is burning more
calories than consumed.
High Fiber Index Sweet potatoes contain a high amount of fiber, and an average cooked with its skin still intact contains about 3.8 grams of fiber. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a high fiber diet helps you lose weight. Sweet potatoes and other fiber-rich foods help withstand weight loss and reduce appetite, reducing the temptation to overeat.
High Fiber Index Sweet potatoes contain a high amount of fiber, and an average cooked with its skin still intact contains about 3.8 grams of fiber. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, a high fiber diet helps you lose weight. Sweet potatoes and other fiber-rich foods help withstand weight loss and reduce appetite, reducing the temptation to overeat.
Low glycemic index, which means they are unlikely to
raise blood sugar levels, keeping them within a healthy range that can
discourage increased belly fat. This is because this tuber has the
so-called resistant starch.
Starch is a type of
however, unlike normal carbohydrate, it is not rapidly absorbed by the
body. How does this mechanism work then? Small intestine enzymes
cannot digest it, and it does attract fat and sugar molecules; thus, these
molecules end up being digested more slowly.
The diet of sweet potato and others with foods that have low
glycemic index scores lead to weight loss. This is because unstable blood
sugar levels often lead to insulin resistance, a precursor to obesity.
What to eat in the diet?
The diet of sweet potatoes is also allowed to consume whole
carbohydrate sources such as rice, whole grain noodles and flour, and legumes
such as beans, chickpeas, soybeans, corn, and peas.
As sources of animal protein in the diet, one should prefer
the consumption of white meat such as chicken and fish, and eggs, as they are
low-fat foods, as opposed to red meat and processed meats such as sausage,
sausage and bacon.
Also, it is important to remember that sweet potato should
be present at main meals, consuming about 2 to 3 slices per meal to aid in
weight loss.
The Sweet Potato Diet
In the menu where sweet potato is the main food at both lunches
and dinner, other foods also help to supplement the nutrients the body
needs. During the diet, foods rich in complex carbohydrates and good
fats such as salads, fruits and vegetables, and lean meats should be
The ideal amount of sweet potato per day is 50 grams,
which corresponds to a small sweet potato (around 50 kcal). The
nutritionist warns that, more than that, is already considered overkill and can
cause a rebound effect, i.e. contribute to weight gain.
In addition, any other diet, it is important to drink at
least two liters of water a day and exercise at least three
times a week.
Menu: Sweet Potato Diet
The following gives an example of a 3-day sweet potato diet
menu to gain muscle and lose weight.
Day 1
- 1 slice of brown bread
- 1 teaspoon light curd
- 1 cup of green tea
Morning snack
- 2 papaya slices + 4 nuts
- 4 slices of sweet potato
- 2 grilled chicken fillets with tomato sauce
- Raw green salad
- 1 slice of watermelon
Afternoon snack
- 1 plain nonfat yogurt
- 1 strawberry
- 1 soup dish prepared with skinless chicken breast,
- 1 small sweet potato
- 1 carrot
Day 2
- Skim milk
- 3 whole toast with unsalted margarine
Morning snack
- 1 glass of juice with red fruit pulp
- 2 sweet potato slices
- 2 col. (soup) brown rice
- 1 fish stew
- Olive oil sauteed salad
- 4 strawberries
Afternoon snack
- 3 slice of watermelon
- Green leaf salad seasoned with 1 tablespoon olive oil (vinegar and salt to taste)
- 3 tablespoons chicken sweet potato stew
Day 3
- 1 nonfat yogurt
- 1 tablespoon granola
- 1 cup black coffee
Morning snack
- 1 cup hibiscus tea
- 1 thin tapioca with cheese
- Green leafy salad seasoned with 1 tablespoon olive oil (vinegar and salt to taste)
- 1 grilled chicken breast
- 1 baked sweet potato
Afternoon snack
- 1 apple
- Green leafy salad seasoned with olive oil
- Vinegar with a fish steak
- A carrot
In addition to consuming sweet potatoes daily, you also need
to eat healthily and exercise at least 3 times a week to get the weight loss
results and stay healthy.
Advantages of the Sweet Potato Diet
By adopting sources of wholegrain carbohydrates in the diet,
the sweet potato diet contributes to reducing refined sugar consumption and
reduces dietary glycemic peaks, which promotes weight loss and brings a number
of benefits to the body.
Disadvantages of the Sweet Potato Diet
The main disadvantage of the sweet potato diet is its food
monotony and also the nutritional deficiency of vitamins and minerals that are
not present in the sweet potato, especially when following the diet in which
only this tuber can be consumed.
Other benefits of sweet potato
1. Good source of vitamins
A cup of sweet potato or baked sweet potato provides
almost half of your daily vitamin C needs. The same serving also supplies
400% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin A. Both nutrients are vital to
support immune function. Vitamin A is also key to maintaining the skin, vision and function of healthy
2. Powerful antioxidants
Vitamins A and C also function as antioxidants that protect cells against aging and disease. For even more antioxidants,
choose purple sweet potatoes. The pigment that gives them their beautiful
tone has particularly potent antioxidant properties.
3. They are anti-inflammatory
We have known for a long time that uncontrolled low-grade
inflammation increases the risk of almost all chronic diseases. Including
obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart
disease and cancer.
Natural anti-inflammatory compounds in sweet
potatoes have been shown to help reduce inflammation at the cellular
level. Research in animals has shown reduced inflammation in brain tissue
and nerve tissue after consumption of purple sweet potato extract. So go
for it!
4. Reduction of blood sugar
Some may consider sweet potatoes too starchy. But their high
fiber content makes them a starch that burns slowly. Which means they will
not increase the level of blood sugar and insulin.
A cup of baked sweet potatoes provides approximately 6
grams of fiber, which is more than a quarter of the recommended daily minimum.
5. Help regulate blood pressure
A cup of sweet potato cooked on your skin provides 950
mg of potassium. That's more
than double the amount in a medium banana. Potassium
essentially removes excess sodium and fluid from the body. What lowers
blood pressure and reduces tension in the heart.
Potassium also helps regulate heart rate and muscle
contractions. According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey, less than 2% of Americans meet the recommended daily potassium target
of 4,700 mg.
Healthy and Simple Sweet potato recipes
Baked sweet potatoes
- 4 large potatoes
- Olive oil
- 1 Garlic, fresh or roasted and ground
- Peppers
- Calabrian pepper
1. Cut the sweet potatoes into slices.
2. Season with chopped garlic, paprika, Calabrian pepper and
salt to taste.
3. Stir everything with olive oil before entering the oven.
4. Leave them in the oven until the 2 sides are roasted
5. Serve them in portions alone or with some meat.
Smoothie to boost the immune system
Why eat only sweet potatoes, when you can also drink
them? Mix them and get your daily dose of quality to go. A rich,
creamy and hot way to enjoy sweet potato pie ... in a glass. Sounds weird,
but trust us: it works.
- 1 cup cooked sweet potato puree
- 1 medium ripe banana, previously cut and frozen
- 1 tablespoon almond cream (optional)
- ¼ teaspoon of turmeric, cinnamon and crushed ginger
- ½ tablespoon of flaxseed or chia seeds
- ¾ cup unsweetened almond milk
- ¼ cup orange juice (optional)
- Big handful of ice
1. Add all the ingredients in a blender and mix until it
becomes liquid.
2. Not sweet enough? Add banana, honey or orange to
add sweetness and more ice to thicken.
Easy mini pancakes
These pancakes do not contain dairy, gluten and always
- ¾ of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon (for flavor)
- ½ cup crushed sweet potato
- 2 eggs
- Coconut oil
- Pinch of ground ginger
- Pinch of salt
- Maple syrup or nut cream (optional)
1. Beat the sweet potato and eggs until well mixed. If
necessary add cinnamon and remove it. Heat coconut oil over medium-low
2. Spoon the sweet potato mixture in a pan and fry for 3-5
3. Flip each pancake and fry the other side for 3-5 minutes
until golden brown and done.
4. If desired, toss on the maple syrup or nut cream pancake.
Sweet Potato is very versatile and can be prepared in
different ways, whether boiled, steamed, baked, grilled, roasted, mashed, chips and
more. Without a doubt a very healthy carbohydrate that you can include in any
of your meals during the day. Basically, it suggests everything needed for a
healthy and balanced daily life. Therefore, it may be a good option to
lose weight.