Best Foods Recommended for Anemia
Monday, October 28, 2019
Do you know the best foods recommended for
anemia? Anemia is a condition where a small amount of red blood cells
appears to transport oxygen to body tissues. As a result, symptoms
such as prolonged fatigue, dizziness, cognitive difficulties, among
others, are triggered.
In the presence of these, it is most convenient to consult
the doctor to receive a diagnosis and appropriate treatment. In addition,
it is convenient to improve the diet, increasing the intake of specific
foods that support the recovery process. Let’s discuss the foods for
Foods suitable for Anemia
The treatment of anemia is varied and may include the
administration of medications. However, as a compliment, dietary
changes are advised to favor their control. In general, foods rich in iron
and vitamins are beneficial, since they regulate the production of
hemoglobin and eye cells.
Despite this, it is convenient to design the diet by the hand
of a nutritionist, since nutritional needs may vary in each
person. Considering the latter, we invite you to discover the best
foods for anemia.
Foods rich in Vitamin C
As research published in Food and Function highlights,
vitamin C helps increase iron absorption in iron deficiency anemia. This same
publication suggests that it may have a double action, as
it may also have a protective effect against liver damage during
iron supplementation therapy.
Foods rich in vitamin C
include varieties of fruits and vegetables such as:
Foods rich in Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 deficiency is a common cause of megaloblastic
anemia. According to the information published in the American
Family Physician medical journal, oral administration of high doses
of vitamin B12 (between 1 and 2 mg daily) is effective in combating anemia and
neurological symptoms.
This same research also suggests that patients over 50 and
vegans and vegetarians should consume foods fortified with vitamin B12 or
take vitamin B12 supplements to ensure absorption. Some foods with vitamin B12 are:
- Clams
- Animal viscera
- Bluefish, such as tuna or sardines
Vitamin B12 is found,
to a lesser extent, in other foods such as:
- Meat
- Milk
- Eggs
- Fortified Cereals
- Began
- Yeast
Foods rich in Iron
Iron deficiency is one of the most frequent causes of anemia
worldwide. The daily amount of iron varies depending on age, sex and
health status. However, in general, its low levels are the result of low
absorption, a diet poor in this mineral or factors such as blood loss and
Considering the above, the inevitable foods in a diet
for anemia are those that contribute to this mineral. In fact, as this a study published in Nutrition Reviews points out, obtaining iron
through fortified foods can be a good strategy for the sustained reduction of
the risk of deficiency, as it provides more balance between risks and benefits. Foods that provide iron
1. Spinach
Spinach leaves are well known for having a high content of:
iron, calcium, vitamins A, B9, C and E, beta-carotene, and also,
fiber. All these nutrients, together, make spinach one of the best allies
to fight anemia.
They have about 4.1 mg of iron per 100 g. It is
recommended to consume a portion of 200 grams of spinach per day, to obtain
approximately 20% of iron nutrients. Likewise, other green leafy
vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and watercress are also recommended.
2. Proteins of animal origin
Foods of animal origin represent a great source of iron because they also contain "heme" iron that is absorbed by up to 30%
more than foods of plant origin. Therefore, when it comes to combating
anemia, it is recommended to increase the regular consumption of red meat,
liver, pate, shellfish, bluefish, among other related ones.
3. Beef liver
Often, the treatment of patients with anemia includes a diet
with dishes prepared with beef liver. This type of meat is a huge source
of easily absorbed iron. Therefore it is one of the best nutritional
supplements to control this condition. Eat beef liver at least 2 times a
4. Oatmeal
Oatmeal, along with barley, rice and wheat is a cereal rich
in iron. In the supermarket, you can find 'fortified' oatmeal that has
an extra content of B vitamins that is very beneficial in case of
It is recommended to drink a cup of oatmeal a day to increase
iron levels in the body. And, this is a very powerful cereal
since with just two tablespoons of oatmeal a day you can get up to 4.5
milligrams of iron.
5. Peanut
Peanut is a dried fruit that can also help fight anemia. Ideally,
the patient tries to eat a handful of peanuts a day. And although the
butter prepared from this dried fruit should not be taken as the first option,
it can also be used; although it should be clarified that the benefits will
not be equal to those provided by the consumption of food, natural.
Actually, the peanut is more a legume than a dried
fruit. It provides about 2.1 mg of iron per 100 g. Also, among other
things, it provides a lot of fiber and B vitamins.
6. Eggs
Just as the consumption of meat and the foods mentioned above
to treat anemia should be increased, egg intake should also be increased, since
this is a food rich in minerals such as iron and folic acid, antioxidants,
amino acids and vitamins of group B and also A, D, E.
A single egg can provide a generous supply of nutrients to
the diet with a small amount of calories. Therefore, regular consumption
is recommended for patients with anemia.
7. Whole grain bread
According to research, a slice of whole-grain bread
can meet up to 6% of the body's daily iron needs. Other whole-grain products such as pasta, cereals, and rice are also recommended.
8. Pomegranates
All foods rich in vitamin C, such as pomegranate, help
improve iron absorption. Therefore, it is recommended to consume this type
of food regularly when fighting anemia.
Pomegranate is a fruit that has a high content of
antioxidants, vitamin C, as well as minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and
9. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene,
essential nutrients for the treatment of anemia. Patients are advised
to drink a glass of tomato juice every day, instead of coffee, tea
and other beverages that may affect the assimilation of iron.
10. Legumes
Legumes are one of the greatest natural sources of iron, so
they are key in the diet aimed at preventing or treating anemia. Beans,
lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, among others, provide up to 5 milligrams of iron
per cup.
The lentils are enriched with protein and are low
in fat, so they are highly recommended to treat anemia. It should be
clarified that they must be prepared correctly in order to take advantage of
all their benefits.
Final Recommendations
We recommend eating
the foods mentioned above together with a glass of orange juice or lemonade
because the citrus aid the assimilation of iron in the
body. Just as it is important to consume these foods and take care of
hydration, it is also key to limit the consumption of salt, added sugars,
refined grains and solid fats.
Every meal plan must be prescribed and controlled by
a doctor or a nutritionist. Although it is well known that the foods
mentioned are good to fight anemia, you have to take care of the way they are
cooked, the amounts and other factors, in order to take advantage of the
benefits provided by their nutrients.