How to Induce a Period?
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Do you have an irregular period? Many women have their
period advanced or delayed every month and that leads them to feel distressed
or stressed. However, if you want to induce your period, different natural
ways that we present today can help you! In this article, we will tell you what the
best natural ways to induce period are.
Many women want to know their bodies and their
functioning. This allows us to have a greater awareness to organize our
cycles according to our needs. While you are planning an activity, in
which you feel you do not want to be menstruating; As much as if you are
wishing to take advantage of an occasion to connect with your cycle on another
mooning, here we share tools that can help you speed up certain processes in
your body.
Causes of the irregular period
In the female body, a process related to two systems happens
month by month: endocrine and nervous. Some women have very
exact menstrual periods every 28 days, but others don't know for sure when the
bleeding will appear or go away.
These irregular and non-fixed menses (may be present every
15, 35 or 50 days) are the main consultation at the gynecologist. During the
visit, the doctor performs a series of studies to determine the reason (s) that
cause these little precise periods.
Among the possible
causes include:
- Use of oral contraceptives (pills) and/or abuse of the postcoital pill or "the day after"
- Consumption of antihypertensives or antiulcer remedies
- Antipsychotic medication intake
- Hormonal disorders and sudden changes in weight
- Stress, anxiety or nervousness
- Thyroid problems
- Gynecological surgeries or interventions
- Changes in routine (especially at rest)
- Lack of exercise
- Food deficiencies or eating disorders
Risks of inducing the period during a possible pregnancy
When we menstruate it means that we have ovulated and that
egg has not been fertilized. Therefore, bleeding is the symptom that we
are in the menstrual phase and we have not become pregnant. If we see that
there has been no bleeding in a cycle of more than 40 days, it is possible that
there is a pregnancy, although this will depend on the cycle of each
woman. There are women who may have very short or very long cycles.
Ingesting foods or substances with emmenagogue properties, that
is, that stimulate contractions in your uterus and can accelerate the bleeding
mechanism, because they stimulate blood flow to the area of the pelvis and
uterus, they are considered abortive.
For your safety and that of your baby, evaluate the possibilities
well and do not go to these recommendations if you are pregnant or suspect.
12 natural ways to induce a period
The way we feed ourselves can correct things at deep
levels. Foods rich in beta-carotene are recommended. Others have adverse effects, since they stimulate the uterus, through contractions that
may cause menstrual bleeding. The rule is the desquamation of the
endometrium that had thickened during ovulation in order to receive, implant
and nourish the fertilized egg. In the absence of fertilization, the
endometrial tissue detaches and leaves the vagina for 1 to 7 days. That is
our rule, and these foods could help you in the process:
For now, these recommendations can help you connect and favor
the menstrual process. Preferably, try to apply them together.
1. Reduce stress:
Stress is the main cause of the rule being anticipated or
delayed. Try to get your uterus to relax and relieve tension to help
trigger menstruation.
Take time for yourself, to rest, to do what you like and
clear your mind of worries and fill yourself with positive actions for you.
2. Consume Vitamin C:
Vitamin C increases estrogen levels and lowers progesterone
levels, this causes the uterus to contract and bleeding occurs due to
deprivation of the progesterone in the uterus. It is important to always
drink it with plenty of water to avoid adverse effects. Spinach, orange, lemon,
peaches, carrots, papaya, apricots, eggs (especially the yolk) help maintain
iron levels and recover hemoglobin in red blood cells.
3. Romero
You cannot miss in our kitchen, for its culinary properties
as well as in a natural herbalist. Promotes blood pressure and blood
It also helps regulate menstruation in women. One cup of
rosemary tea per day is the minimum recommended dose.
You can consume up to three infusions daily until the period
4. Manzanilla
Chamomile flower is used, for example, to reduce fever,
improve allergies, psoriasis, and arthritis and to relieve vomiting, nausea and
It can be used to regulate your menstrual period due to its
great medicinal properties. Drink a maximum of three cups a day.
5. Ginger
Ginger root infusion has the ability to increase body
temperature and stimulate menstrual processes. You can get it and consume
it fresh, dried or ground.
Do not forget that it is a very concentrated and strong
spice: with very little, it reaches. Do not drink ginger tea at night, as it
can cause insomnia or nightmares.
6. Parsley
Consume this tea only if you are 100% sure you are not
pregnant because it has abortive properties and can be dangerous to your
The parsley helps advance the period if it is
consumed every day (3 to 4 cups). It is a plant full of vitamins (especially C)
and minerals that will help you at the time of menstruation so as not to feel
low energy.
7. Verbena
Verbena has the ability to regulate the pituitary gland
(where hormones are produced). Therefore it is recommended to drink a tea
from this plant in cases of irregular periods due to thyroid problems or
consumption of certain pills.
It is also good for inducing relaxation and eliminating
the stress that may be causing the menstrual delay.
8. Thyme
To take effect you must combine it with saffron, in equal
parts. It has the same effects as the infusion of rue or ginger. You
can try any of the three options and analyze which one is most effective in
your body.
9. Angelica root
It acts as an emenagogue and activates blood flow in the
uterus. It is an excellent remedy to help reduce menstruation. To
take advantage of its benefits consume angelica root tea up to 3 times a day
(after the main meals).
10. Exercise
When your body exercises, pump blood harder and
faster. This favors the stimuli for the arrival of your cycle. It is
important not to abuse this resource since excessive exercise can be
interpreted by your body as stress.
11. Have sex
By having sex you are directly stimulating the muscles of
your vagina and uterus. If you have an orgasm, better! Thus, you will
release a lot of oxytocin, which will help you hormonally to have contractions
in your uterus and feel very relaxed, which also favors the -possible- arrival
of the period. Mechanically, penetration favors the stimulation of the
12. Take a hot bath
If you are looking for relaxation, is there anything better
than a good hot water bath? The heat causes your pores to expand, that the
pain threshold increases by its interception in the receptivity of the stimulus
at the cellular level. If the heat is already positive, imagine combined
with water, another powerful element to implement.
Tips for irregular periods
If this condition happens many times a year or every month
since you started menstruating, we recommend you go to the doctor to check and
diagnose you.
In addition, you can change some habits that may be
affecting your period:
- Eat a diet that includes many foods of plant origin.
- Avoid red meat (but eat them when you are menstruating, to recover iron).
- Choose flax and sesame seeds because they give you iron.
- Consume brown rice, brewer's yeast, and seaweed because of its vitamin B content.
- Do not drink coffee, alcohol or sugary sodas.
- Pay attention if you have zinc, iron or vitamin B6 deficiency, because it may be changing your period.
- Avoid excessive stress and everything that produces nerves or anxiety.
As we always tell you: remember that these recommendations do
not replace your doctor's visit. Go to the gynecologist and consult
your opinion regarding the intake of the mentioned advice.