Aloe Vera for Eyelashes

Aloe Vera for Eyelashes

Do you know that if you use aloe vera, you can get an attractive eyelash in a short time? That's right, applying this natural product aloe vera on your eyelashes every day before going to sleep, either alone or in combination with other ingredients, you will achieve a much more impressive look with very long, dense and thick eyelashes.
Aloe Vera for Eyelashes

Aloe vera hydrates hair, regenerates and strengthens it, in addition to stimulating its growth. So if you notice that your eyelashes are poor, they fall easily or are much damaged due to the continuous use of makeup products or tools such as the eyelash curler, then we recommend you try it, you will be delighted! Continue reading this article to discover how to grow eyelashes with aloe vera through the best treatments.

Why is Aloe Vera good for eyelash growth?
Wearing longer, abundant and beautiful eyelashes is possible with the help of aloe vera, and it is that this miraculous plant has many beneficial properties for the hair but also for the hair of the eyelashes. Take note and discover below what are the main benefits of aloe vera for eyelashes:
  • In addition to being very rich in vitamins and minerals, aloe contains up to 19 types of amino acids that promote healthy and strong hair growth. These amino acids are directly involved in the formation and structures of proteins, which are essential to have a longer, thicker and denser eyelashes.
  • It has great moisturizing properties that help nourish the hair follicles and, thus, ensures good growth of the eyelashes.
  • It is also a good bactericide and antioxidant, which helps protect the eyelashes from possible external damage and prevents their excessive fall.
  • Aloe vera, having the ability to regulate sebum production, prevents sebaceous glands from secreting a large amount of fat that can clog the hair pores and, therefore, impair the growth of eyelashes.

Thanks to all its properties, aloe vera will allow you to look stunning and perfectly hydrated eyelashes from the root to the tips. Keep reading to know how you should use it!

How to use Aloe Vera for eyelashes?
The aloe vera plant contains a gel whose essential amino acid content stimulates healthy hair growth. It also regulates the pH and contains natural enzymes that promote the natural growth of both hair and eyelashes.

Aloe Vera for Eyelashes

Instead of spending large sums of money on expensive cosmetic treatments for eyelashes, it is worth preparing at home this homemade recipe to protect and nourish them.

Aloe can be purchased in herbal stores and supermarkets with small vitamin E capsules in pharmacies.

  • 2 tablespoons aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • A capsule of vitamin E
  • A small glass jar
  • Clean mascara brush

What should you do?
  • Extract the gel from the inside of an aloe vera leaf and then add it in the blender with the content of a vitamin E capsule.
  • Process everything for a few seconds, until you notice that the ingredients are well integrated.
  • Pour the preparation into a small airtight glass jar and proceed to use it.

How to apply
  • At night, just after removing all traces of makeup, dip a mascara brush in the preparation and apply it from the root to the tips of the eyelashes.
  • Let it dry naturally and act overnight.
  • Rinse the next morning.
  • Repeat its use every day to get results in a short time.

You should keep in mind that the compounds of this homemade product does not act immediately and, therefore, several applications are required to notice the changes in the eyelashes.

Let’s start today! Aloe Vera will help you naturally boost the growth of eyelashes and keep them healthy and hydrated thanks to their vitamins and nutrients.

Remember that you can extract the gel from the leaves of the plant you have at home. So keep patience and continue applying.

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