Hydrate Hair in Winter

Hydrate Hair in Winter

Cold winter weather not only dries the skin but also the hair. It is not only the cold air that mistreats your hair, but also things like indoor heating, air conditioning, dryers, and styling tools. The only way you can keep your hair shiny and healthy is to keep it hydrated. It is important to hydrate your hair from the inside as well as the outside. Here are some tips to keep your hair hydrated in the winter months.
Hydrate Hair in Winter

Hydrating hair in winter can be quite difficult. The cold, the use of hats, and the rain all this can affect the hair and subtract the hydration it needs to look good. If we have dry hair, then the problem can be aggravated by suffering split ends or brittle hair.

To avoid all this, today we are going to see some tips to moisturize the hair in winter that will help us keep it healthy so as not to have to cut it as soon as we finish this time of the year. Let's see what they are.

1. Use a conditioner with glycerin
After washing your hair with a shampoo, use a moisturizing conditioner. It is even better if your conditioner contains glycerin. Glycerin is a moisturizer and it moisturizes and protects the hair, making it less dry and brittle.

2. Wear a weekly moisturizing mask
Wear a mask or hair treatment once a week. Most people tend to forget that indoor heating can cause hair to dry as much as cold air. Therefore, it is equally important that you hydrate your hair on a regular basis during the winter.

3. Do not rinse the mask completely
The first of the tips to hydrate the hair in winter is not to rinse the mask or conditioner completely. Contrary to what we may think, this will not cause any damage to our hair, quite the opposite, it will benefit you.

The more we leave a mask on our hair, the better. Both the conditioner and the mask are very moisturizing, so if we leave a little once we have rinsed the hair it can help us maintain its hydration.

To achieve this, we will rinse the hair slightly without worrying that the mask or conditioner has completely gone. In the case that we have oily hair, we will only pass the mask or conditioner through the tips. If we have it very dry, we can dare to put it from the root.

4. Beware of wet hair
Leaving wet hair in winter is not a good idea. The problem with this is that the cold will cause our hair to become more fragile since it will be very difficult for it to dry on its own.

However, we have to take into account other things, such as wearing caps on wet hair. These can cause problems in the scalp like dandruff. It may become sensitive or dry out, which would make us have to start using special products for this problem.

On the other hand, another thing we should never do is sleep with wet hair. Drying it is essential because, if not, not only will it become more brittle, but we can even cause the hair to fall out much more, with the consequent loss of density.

5. Use warm water
Hydrating the hair in winter can be difficult when we put the water very hot in the shower or bathtub. There are people who put the water so hot that even the skin of their body becomes red. This is not good for hair, as it will lose hydration.

It is best to wash your hair with warm water and, finally, apply a jet of cold water. This will help close the cuticles so that the hair does not lose moisture and stays well hydrated.

6. Don't use the iron so much
Many people do not have straight or wavy hair but look frizzy. This can make them look in need of ironing their hair so that it looks better. However, in winter, it is important that we give the hair a rest.

We know that in winter, due to humidity and rain, the hair can curl more, which can lead us to iron our hair more than once a day. The damage we are causing is very serious and, in the long run, we can suffer from completely dehydrated and lifeless hair.

To avoid using both the iron, we can try to get collected or hide the hair under a wool cap. This will allow you to take a break from the iron so that you suffer less.

7. Wash dry hair less frequently
To avoid dry hair in winter, avoid washing it frequently. Natural oils produce a protective layer between the scalp and hair. In the wash interval - to prevent your hair from getting greasy - use Gliss Dry Shampoo. Bonus: dry shampoos smell great and make your hair have instant volume.

8: Dry gently in winter
Air dry your hair in winter? Just thinking about it gives us goosebumps. But the heat of the hairdryer is not good either. Result: dry hair itself dries even more. The solution: apply a heat shield, using the diffuser at low temperature.

9: Wear a hat
We love those winter weekends: you know, those in which although it is cold the sky is crystal clear. We will always go for a walk in the winter sun with a coffee with pumpkin milk or other winter treats in our cold hands. But exposure to rain, snow, and cold is a real stress factor for hair. Wear a hat to minimize exposure to bad weather. There are many options, you will surely find a hat that suits you!

Hydrate Hair in Winter

10. Use oils
Find a hair oil and apply a little to avoid frizz. The oil moisturizes the hair, gives it shine and keeps it in place. It is also a great antidote for thick and curly hair.

11. Avoid hair treatments
Hair treatments such as dyes, permanent and straightened can be postponed for when the weather is more pleasant. Since in winter the weather is not favorable for hair, it would be wise to avoid treatments on the hair, since they make hair dry and weak.

12. Drink lots of water
This is the most obvious advice, however, many people seem to forget it. Drinking enough water is not only important for the hair but your body and overall health.


Hydrating hair in winter does not have to be a complicated task. With these tips we hope that your hair can stay healthy during this cold time of the year so that you don't have to regret your condition once spring arrives.

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