The 3 Best Low Carb Cereals to Lose Weight
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Cereal is the king of food, the most sown and harvested
product on the entire planet. Cereals give us energy but in a calm and flexible
way. Oatmeal, chia seeds, and
teff are the best low carb cereals to lose weight. Those are also very suitable for diabetic people since it regulates the level of blood sugar.
At this point, you may already be more than saturated with
the so-called miracle diets. From our space, we want to give you simple and
healthy ideas to improve your quality of life. That is why to lose weight,
we recommend you include these wonderful low carb cereals in your diet.
Are cereals effective for weight loss?
Lately, it is becoming very famous to replace, for example, a
dinner with a plate of cereals. Many brands try to convince us that it is
an ideal way to lose weight.
But we must be careful, cereals are a supplement in our diet,
and should not replace a lunch or dinner. It is a perfect way to complement
our weight loss diet. Its secret is basically in the following aspects:
Cereals are
satiating and prevent us from eating between meals
They provide us with nutrients and fiber to keep us in
perfect condition until the next meal. They provide us with complex carbohydrates, which contribute to a
good digestive and eliminatory
function, B vitamins, good for the
nervous system and mental activity,
plus other nutrients, antioxidants
and minerals.
We can supplement
cereals with protein
For example, for dinner, it would be good to prepare a small
piece of salmon, or some baked
turkey. Then, a plate of oatmeal with fruit. Something like this is
ideal, since in this way the caloric index is very low and we lose weight.
You should also know
that we cannot exceed cereal consumption
It is appropriate to drink a cup of oatmeal or a cup of Teff
or chia seeds a day. Being digestive, nutritious, and satiating we can
lose up to half a kilo a week, but do not exceed your consumption.
Remember, also, to supplement the consumption of cereals with a low-fat diet and some exercise.
Remember, also, to supplement the consumption of cereals with a low-fat diet and some exercise.
The 3 best low carb cereals for weight loss
1. The wonderful properties of oats
Surely you already knew. Oatmeal stands as one of
the best low carb cereal. In fact, the US Food and Drug Administration
(the FDA) speaks of this cereal as one of the most nutritious and healthy,
ideal to include in our food pyramid.
Did you know that it is
magnificent to lose weight?
This cereal acts as an excellent satiator, food
regulator and excellent digestive with which to eliminate fat little
by little. But yes, you have to be constant and take it every day.
It has fiber, vitamins, and minerals, in addition, to trace
elements. It is also very suitable for people with diabetes
and who manages to regulate blood sugar.
You know, oatmeal is a natural gift that we cannot neglect. It
will help you lose weight, hence you should include it daily in your breakfast.
2. The low carb cereal for weight loss: the Teff
You may not have heard of him yet. But it is taking a
very important boom after demonstrating its clear effectiveness as low
carb cereal to lose weight and maintain an adequate line, in addition to
excellent health.
What is TEFF?
Well, we will tell you, first of all, that it is a cereal
that has always been consumed in Africa. It is more than 5000 years old
and is already marketed in all countries of the world. That is why it
should not cost you much to find it in your usual supermarket or natural
This low carb cereal is ideal for maintaining good
health thanks to its vitamin supplement and its
high iron content.
In addition, it is a cereal rich in carbohydrates, fiber and
without any gluten. It is also
great for people with type II diabetes.
But what is your secret
to help us lose weight?
- It is satiating.
- Regulates fat burning.
- It is easy to digest.
- Regulate constipation.
- It is incredibly healthy to eliminate toxins and promote bowel movement.
And how do we take it?
Very easy. You can mix it with your vegetable milk at
breakfast. You can make bread, cakes, cookies, and nutritional
bars. You just need a little to quench your hunger and get great
nutrients. Isn't it fantastic?
3. Chia seeds, a low carb cereal
These seeds are fashionable, although they are not precisely
cereals, but given their benefits, it is our duty to mention them.
Despite having a long therapeutic tradition in health and
nutrition, it is now when the value of chia seeds is being
rediscovered, also ideal for weight loss.
Why are they so
First of all, we must know that they are an excellent
source of fiber, antioxidants, calcium,
proteins and omega 3 fatty acids. A whole treasure of properties that also
prevent us from itching between hours thanks to its satiating effect. It's
great to combine them with liquids, smoothies, and even yogurts.
They are very
digestive, prevent constipation and also regulate the presence of blood
sugar. They are fantastic and worth including in our diet. So, these 3 are
the best low carb cereals for weight loss.