How to Relax During Difficult times
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Here are some ways to
relax in difficult times that will allow you to overcome adversities more
easily. No one is
exempt from going through difficult times or unpleasant
circumstances. However, we must remember that we can always overcome
them. Although it is difficult for us to visualize the solution, it exists
and it is possible to achieve it.
Life is characterized by its ups and downs. If the
terrain had no variants, everything would be extremely monotonous. This
does not mean that we should celebrate the difficulties, but rather observe
them as an opportunity for growth or improvement.
Any change brings multiple benefits. In us is the
ability to know how to appreciate them. So, we can visualize difficult
moments as the prelude to a new form of tranquility. After
all, after the storm comes calm.
Difficult moments and somatization
Difficult moments cannot always be predicted or
avoided. Despite this, we can modify our attitude to reduce its
impact. In other words, we cannot always change the circumstances but we
can take charge of our own well-being.
It is necessary to take responsibility
and take care of ourselves. Otherwise, we can somatize the problems
and, therefore, experience:
Taking responsibility for our own well-being implies avoiding harmful
internal dialogues: the victimist, the catastrophic, the self-critical and
the self-demanding. Why? Because they prevent us from having a clear
perspective on how to act and because they hurt us in one way or another.
Every time we find ourselves in the middle of difficult times it is necessary to stop for a moment and think: What is the use of turning the problem over and over again? What benefits me from drowning? Do I really want to get ahead?
To avoid bogging the most advisable thing is to focus
the thought towards the solution of the problem. We may not find the
solution at the first opportunity; however, we must not give up.
11 ways to overcome difficult moments
If you are going through a difficult stage in your business,
personal life or work, you should know some tools that help you overcome these
crises and turn them into another step to success. Take note:
1. Breathe deeply
Breathing is one of the most important tasks in the
body. Through this, the gas exchange is achieved, through which oxygen
enters the body and carbon dioxide is expelled.
Breathing can be regulated to obtain greater benefits both biologically and emotionally. To achieve this it is necessary to adopt a comfortable position, have a few minutes and breathe deeply; that is, from the abdomen.
Breathing can be regulated to obtain greater benefits both biologically and emotionally. To achieve this it is necessary to adopt a comfortable position, have a few minutes and breathe deeply; that is, from the abdomen.
We slowly inhale a large amount of air, hold a few seconds
and exhale little by little. We will notice how our heart rate will regulate
and we will get a feeling of calm.
Deep breathing helps lower blood pressure, improves
oxygenation of the body and, of course, relaxes the body.
2. Meditate
In difficult times, the most difficult thing is
to control the flow of thoughts. A highly recommended and very
effective resource is to meditate.
Through meditation, we
can disconnect from the environment and replenish our energies. In
this way, we put aside everything that is harmful to us and we detract from
it. It's about getting far enough to get a clearer perspective.
To meditate there is no need to take classes. It's
all about suspending the mind for a few moments, breathing deeply and keeping
silent while we focus on our own breathing.
3. Color or paint mandalas
Coloring, painting or drawing is also an alternative to find
calm in difficult times. By focusing attention on not getting out of the
lines, combining colors and achieving a beautiful stroke, anxiety levels
are reduced. The brain works
fine motor skills during coloring.
A mandala consists of a combination of various overlapping
figures, some abstract and some natural (of animals or flowers), arranged in a
circle. There is a wide variety of mandalas to choose from.
The goal of coloring mandalas is to free the
mind and enjoy the task. The best thing is that this activity can be
enjoyed both in difficult times and at any other time. In fact, many
people get to include it in their hobbies.
4. Think differently, or stop thinking
We know that the thoughts that pass through our mind directly
affect how we feel, for this reason in line with what we have said in the
previous point, we must learn to clear our minds of all those thoughts that may
increase our discomfort and our nervousness. Learning to manage our
internal dialogue is decisive in order to keep calm under pressure.
When we face a difficult situation we must be very attentive
to everything, we say to ourselves, and we must strive to ensure that this
internal dialogue is not toxic and counterproductive.
It is important that we be aware of this, and that we also
learn to evoke thoughts that help us relax. In clinical practice, in many
cases, suggestive procedures (such as hypnosis) are used, so that
patients learn to remain calm or relax. These procedures rely on the
evocation of images and soothing sounds, which we can use to reduce stress levels.
5. Physical exercise
To keep calm in difficult situations, physical exercise can
be very useful. Move, activate your body in any way. Taking a walk or
going for a run, are good ways to disconnect
from problems, release energy and keep your mind clear of negative emotions and
No matter what exercise you choose, it is always better to go
for a little walk than to be locked in your room with the same harmful thoughts
around your head. The sports can help us regulate our emotional
states, and also because we release endorphins, makes us feel better.
6. Learn to forgive yourself
We already know that keeping relax in any circumstance is not
an easy task. It requires a lot of patience, a lot of practice and desire,
and willpower to not give up when we face truly complicated situations.
The important thing is your intention, and of course, it will
not always be enough, but we have to learn to forgive our own mistakes and to
congratulate ourselves on our successes. Remember that mistakes help you
learn more about yourself and make you know yourself better so that in future
situations you don't make the same mistakes.
7. Don't forget to reward yourself
You must give yourself the credit you deserve for going
through difficult times. Moderation is essential, but you can reward
yourself for staying calm. Go out to watch a movie or take a walk in the
park. Rewarding yourself for the challenges you deal with will help you
regulate emotions and stay calm.
Studies suggest that developing flexibility to shift
attention from something difficult to something you enjoy is essential to
control negative emotions.
8. Try to take a hot shower
Hot water helps calm the tension that builds up in the
muscles during times of stress. It can be very useful to make sure you
take care of your body and keep your limbs, muscles, and bones as stress-free as
9. Lean on positive people
The least you need in these moments of crisis is to surround
yourself with people with a negative attitude. If you do it you will
absorb its bad vibes and only increase your frustration. On the contrary,
positive people will help you to relax your mood and see things from
another perspective.
10. See the good things
Take a few minutes to calm down and think about
positive things. Try to write and read them from time to time. It
will serve as a reminder that not everything is wrong. Feeding a healthy sense
of self-worth can help you be resilient when life gets tough.
11. The reading
Another activity that can be especially useful for relaxing
is reading. There are so many types of books, so many different genres, so
many stories to read ... That your tastes don't matter! There will
always be a book for you. Romanticism, youth, fantasy, science fiction,
war, terror ... Choose something, inquire a little on the internet, select a
book, buy it and enjoy.
These are the ways to
relax during difficult times. The most advisable thing is that you feel to
think and analyze what is the reason why you have those feelings. Doing so will help you
understand if it is something you can control or something that you cannot
accept and let go. There lies the wisdom.