Blood Types
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Group 0- is the famous universal donor. Get this name
because people with this blood group are compatible with all types of
blood. Therefore, it is the type of blood most demanded by hospitals.
It is essential to know what our blood type is, also called
the blood group. There are 4 main blood types: A, B, 0 and AB0, which are
determined by the presence or absence of certain proteins on the surface of red
blood cells, some blood cells.
In addition, each person also has a blood type based on Rh
positive or Rh negative, depending on the presence or absence of another
antigen or protein in the red blood cells.
As we have said, it is very important that you know your
blood type if you want to donate, for example. Also, if you are in an
emergency situation and need a transfusion, you will need to know your
blood group so that they can give you the same blood type.
Next, we will look more
closely at the different characteristics of different blood types.
A positive (A+)
Group A positive is one of the most common blood types. 1
in 3 people is A +; or, what is the same, 35.7% of the population.
People who are A positive can donate blood to
others in their group as well as to people in the AB positive group. This
is because they share the same type of proteins, so the body will not attack
the new cells, as it recognizes them as its own.
In the case of receiving a transfusion, A + people can
receive blood from groups A and 0. Donors of this type of blood are
advised to donate whole blood and platelets.
A negative (A-)
In this case, the percentage of people A negative is
reduced to 6.3%, that is, 1 in 16 people in the population share this blood
To donate blood, they can do it to people who are:
- A-
- A+
- AB +
- AB-
However, they can only receive blood from
people A- or 0-. Donors in this group are advised to donate whole
blood and double red blood cells.
B positive (B +)
8.5% of the population, or 1 in 12 people has type B +. Type
B + donors can donate to people of type B + and AB +. In this sense, this
population group can receive blood from any of the blood types B or 0.
Type B + blood donors can achieve the greatest impact
with donations of whole blood and double red blood cells.
B negative (B-)
We continue to reduce the number of people, being 1 in
67 who have this type of blood, that is, 1.5% of the general population.
People B negative can be blood donors to people with
blood type B positive, B negative, AB positive and AB negative. As with
the previous group, they can only receive blood from people with the same blood
type or from 0-.
As for the advice when it comes to donating, it is advisable
for B positive people to donate whole blood or platelets.
0 positive (0+)
Above the positive A, the positive 0 is found. It is the
most common blood type and represents 37.4% of the population.
People with 0+ can donate blood to all positive blood
types. However, they can only receive blood from other 0+ or 0-. Donors
with this type of blood are advised to donate double red blood cells and whole
0 negative (0-)
This is the famous universal donor. Get this name
because people with this blood group are compatible with all types of
blood. Therefore, it is the type of blood most demanded by hospitals.
The percentage of people 0- represent 6.6% of the population,
which is the same as saying that 1 in 15 people are 0-.
Although they can donate
to anyone, they can only receive blood from people in the same blood
group, 0-. It is recommended that they donate double red blood cells
and whole blood.
AB positive (AB+)
AB + is the rarest blood type, with only 1 in 29
people, which translates into 3.4% of the global population.
Unlike 0-, AB + people can only give other AB +
receptors, but they can receive any type of blood, so it is the universal blood receptor.
AB negative (AB-)
This group constitutes the rarest of all blood types. Only
0.6% of the population has it. AB-blood type can donate to AB- and AB +
and can receive from all negative blood types.
Donors of blood type AB- are advised to donate platelets
and plasma.
If you would like to donate blood, learn more about your
blood type and the donation procedures. It's a good way to become a daily
superhero and save lives!